I posted about the "new neighbors" and their stockade fence in July and August, and as of yesterday, more distressing news. This couple and their two children are moving her parents and aunt into the house also. In trying to be nice (hah!), I know these people and they are dirty asses.
The couple now have three vehicles in the driveway, and are constantly moving them in and out in choosing which vehicle to drive for the day. With "mom, dad and auntie" moving in, there will be an additional FOUR VEHICLES!! Get a grip folks, the driveway is wide enough for one car and sooo not long enough to have them lined up. PLUS....they will be bringing possibly THREE more dogs.
As one neighbor states, this is "like the Clampett's without the mansion!" Our neighborhood has always been neat, tidy and close...and now, I'm afraid that the abundance of people and junk are going to devalue neighboring properties even more, and this we don't need!
Thegrandson wanted to play with the neighbor's boy the other day, and I told him he could, but they would have to play in MY side yard. He defied me and I saw him in their yard - he has been grounded for this act. I can't get him to understand, that by these people putting up this atrocious fence, they made a statement..."leave us alone!!" No problem from me. The mayor of this fine burg, after my letter was read to council about the illegality of the fence, said I was just crying sour grapes and the city was not going to do anything about the fence. BTW, the mayor and I have been friends for at least two decades..........NOT ANYMORE!!! See, our Mayor fishes with the father of the neighbor (the father who will be moving in soon).
I should hope that once this big move-in has been made, that steps will be taken, if there is a problem with all the vehicles and dogs! This will remain to be seen.
Truckloads of drywall and 2X4's have been going in this house - all to the basement, so I would imagine it is going to be one cozy living arrangement. Did I mention that the mother of the residents, also has a motorcycle. She may keep that and her truck at her boyfriend's house - two blocks away. Yes, that is another click in this scenario - she screws around on her husband, and everyone is COOL with that. UGH!!!
I'm hating this situation more and more every day.
Oh well, I will update the comical and aggravating situation here - for sure! Right now, I can't take enough drugs to rid myself of the pain from the toilet seat debacle. My arms, breast bone (that never healed) and back are killing me. But I have to dust and run the vacuum today. I really want to get the windows cleaned too - we shall see how this all works.
Have a great day and I shall return......later.........

This might be a guess but perhaps the fence is to keep the dogs in?
If it were my neighbor and they had three or more dogs, I would welcome the fence for the security and blocking the view of the dog shit piled high in the back yard.
I'm really just trying to help you feel less annoyed with the whole situation. I'm sorry you're dealing with this. Having bad neighbors can suck!
If it wasn't for the visual evidence, I'm not sure I'd ever believe this story, as it seems ripped from the plot of a really bad comedy flick.
with neighbors like that I would welcome the fence too, you'll be glad it's there so you don't have to see them! There is nothing worse than living beside someone you don't get along with, too much tension!! Good Luck!
I'm still so sorry!!!!!!!!
I think you should start taking notes and plan on writing a Desperate Neighbors serial. Think of it. You could go global as a blogger-- You could be like Dickens and have a following waiting for the next episode. It would be fiction you are making up after all. All you have to do is watchc and imagine. The fence is kind of like Big Brother on TV. All kinds of ideas.
Maybe just put some bushes in front of the fence and pretend they're not there!
I feel for you, I really do! We've had some nightmare neighbours in our time, and they truly can ruin your whole life!
Ya know, I was going to say you should plant highly invasive bamboo by the back of the fence to not only invade into their yard as well as provide a screen as to not having to see them on a daily basis...but after reading more about them, I don't think it would do much good.
I guess you could have DHS on speed dial, just in case(even though I abhor the idea of phoning in a retaliation move). Damn, I miss the old days.
sounds like peg and al bundy moved in next door..
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