The House is debating a "Resolution of Disapproval" against Joe Wilson for his outburst last week during the meeting of the joint houses. John Boehner was just popping off on this issue, that it is essential a giant bowl of crap! My words, not his. He apparently sees nothing wrong with the outburst, and that a precedent is being set - for future resolutions such as this. So, his problem would be what?
We do not run our legislature like Parliament, where you can scream, rant, rave, pick you nose and ass - and accomplish anything!! A sign of disagreement has always been to remain seated and quiet. No signs, no waving of papers and certainly no screaming "you lie" at our POTUS, should ever occur. How difficult is this for the sunburned wonder to understand?
I am a Buckeye and my representative is NOT Boehner, but Charlie Wilson (who was mistaken for Joe - and received a shitload of calls) who addresses our concerns and understands what decorum means. I'm ashamed to even say Boehner is from Ohio.
Maybe Boehner is afraid that he someday will be cited onto the floor for his actions. Sen. Craig should have been rebuked for his airport tryst - or attempted tryst.
What people NEED to realize - Joe Wilson never apologized to Obama personally. He sent his apology via Rahm Emanuel. So - in my humble opinion - yes, this racist, bigoted asshole needs to be rebuked from the floor of Congress.
Now I have to listen and see how the roll call goes on this resolution. Later all....

assholes the whole bunch of them.
Boner's the illegitimate off-spring of a carrot and a butternut squash...
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