This mental midget apparently has NO grasp on health insurance whatsoever. He doesn't feel like he needs to have "maternity care" written into a policy for himself. Get a fucking grip.
I don't have a prostate gland so, there should be no coverage for PSA blood tests either. This sorry excuse for a human probably doesn't feel that mental health should be covered - and I guarantee he definitely NEEDS that.
Where does it all stop? they don't want abortions covered and now no maternity care. Are we back to "the men" handling women's reproductive rights? Hell no! I will be burning the bra and letting the puppies fly in protest on this one.
Has anyone ever questioned why birth control is very seldom covered in these policies - yet VIAGRA is? Right, every man should have the right to have a hard on that lasts for a decade, but a woman cannot do anything to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.
Damn, I'm pissed now. I just posted this article on FB, about a 22 year old girl, who just graduated college, no health insurance - and died from the swine flu. this girl lives in Cong. John Boehner's Congressional district. I think it is time to overrun the "teabaggers" and take it to the streets.
Remember the quote from Network (movie): "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not taking it anymore!"

Jeezus! Just when you think these guys can't get any lower!
Great post dear. And you're guest blogging? Well, how hot is that!
You know I'm going to read any post that starts with _______ is the biggest dickhead.
And you did not disappoint. I swear. These guys are beyond ridiculous. Kyl needs to shut up or give up his Cadillac plan that we all pay for.
Speaking of Viagra, and erections, this guy is BOTH...a pill, and a dick.
The absolute ignorance and self-centered-ness is amazing!! How can they even figure out how to use the toilet?? Seriously, no maternity care? WTF?????!!!!!
Yes, he does believe women need to be controlled by the men in their lives. He's just like the Islamic extremists in that regard; as are all patriarchal religious institutions. They are finally showing their true colors is all.
holy shit!...them folks are so dumb they'd have to be coached from the side lines to pass a urine test.
I've heard Debbie Stabenow on the radio before, she's smart, quick, and funny. Nice one.
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