Lawrence O'Donnell goes head to head with Joe Scarborough over the Darth's words at some conference from last night. Needless to say, the garbage that Joe is trying to "get out there", just doesn't fly. What part of "the great LIES" does Joe not understand?
Sending our troops into Iraq was formulated and pressed by Cheney, on the illusion of WMD's. For Scarborough to keep saying that Bush/Cheney had the backing of the Dems at the time is true - but if you or I had the same spoon fed information - we would have agreed also. It is those all important details - LIKE FACTS - that would have prevented over 4,000 of our young men's deaths - in a war of convenience for Cheney.
I listen to McCain and his ilk, giving all this strategic thought on how to proceed in Afghanistan and I want to bean him in the head. (I have never trusted McCain - period.) their philosophy is too storm into this mountainous region and KILL!! I do believe these warmongers have deep seated psychological problems with their desire for bloodshed. We can't win a war OVER there. This is "their" territory, and they have the upper hand in such terrain. And why are we there? To kill the remaining 100 Al Queda that are left?
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I say, bring our troops home - this is a senseless war and one we cannot win. Wars have been raging in these countries for many centuries - they appear to thrive on battle.
Where is it written that it is the charge of the USA to set forth what type of government is best for some of these countries? The strength of the Taliban has been estimated between 7 and 11,000 - and we have three times that many troops there now! Senseless and insane - bring our young men home and defend our country from our shores.
As for Dick and Liz - I suggest the proverbial long walk off a short pier!

While i do sympathise with the military officers over there wanting to do a better job - I think that all studies (and common sense) say we will never achieve what we think should be done. The the people over there don't want to live like us! It is not up to us to make them change.
Time to come home and focus on getting our country solvent and strong agaon.
EXACTLY!! Bush had some kind of idiot thought that these muslim countries should be liberated and live like we do, its fuckin insane and this war needs to end! Its not even a war, I don't know what the hell to even call it, but for Gods sake Obama stop it NOW!!
We could go a long ways toward improving the our situation in Afghanistan and improving the situation for Afghanistan people by taking all the money we are spending on blowing them up and putting it into building things from them, like schools, infrastructure, helping the farmers, etc. Spend it on humanitarian efforts and they will love us and keep Al Qaeda and the Taliban at bay by themselves.
He's gonna shoot you in the face for saying that stuff about him and Liz.
I can understand him being on Faux Snooz, but why would any other media pay any attention to him??????????
we need to get the fuck out of dodge..and if cheney and his bunch think that we should stay there and fight, I suggest they arm up and go over and do it..
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