Section 2511 of the health care bill referred to by Bachmann, makes no mention of abortion and stipulates,
(i) "SBHC services will be provides in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws governing-- (I) obtaining parental or guardian consent; and (II) patient privacy and student records, including section 264 of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and section 444 of the General Education Provision Act;
As soon as she open her pie hole, the rightwingnutfuckheads take the ball and roll with it!! This will be the new battlecry of the right - "school children getting abortions without parental knowledge!" Does she honestly believe this crap? Don't bother answering that one - I already know that she does.
This is a montage of her outlandish statements which aired on Keith Olberman's show a while summarizes up this whackaloons mentality.
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Hi Mom. Well the Bachmann style nut jobs murdered a doctor and then a census worker. I guess she wants another doctor for her next trophy.
I'm in on the next abortion field trip. Let me know when it is and I'll clear my schedule.
I'll drive the bus!
OMG!!!! You beat me to the wingnutfucktard QUEEN!!! LOL! Yes she belives what she says, can you fuckin believe it, LOLOL!! wow oh wow oh wow oh wow, I'm speechless and dumbfounded but I can't stop laughing!!! BYE!!
Can you believe that people actually elected her? WTF?
What she describes, while being a complete fabrication, is exactly what I'd like to see happen in reality. If girls could tell their parents they would. I just don't understand why a young girl should have to be punished for the rest of her life for a two minute mistake she made when she was still a child. It just isn't fair. And it's not fair to the unwanted (and soon to be neglected or even abused) child, either.
I have a feeling that if every child born was a planned, WANTED child that this world would be a much better place in which to live.
All she needs to do now is write a book with a title like Mein Kamf and she'll complete the hat trick.
nope..don't wanna...can't make me..I refuse to give them bastids the satisfaction of watching them or listening to them..they don't deserve my time. will use it for more important scratching my ass.
Mom, hopefully you all are feeling better!
Dr. Monkey - I wanna go on the field trip too - I haven't been on one in a looonnnngggg, loonnnggg, time! Please can I? Pretty please????
Will someone PLEASE make the crazy lady stop talking??? Please??? I definitely had an abortion at school in the 70's - isn't that what the school nurse is for? Jeez, someone please tell her to STFU!!!
Those poor children of hers. I would change my name and move to another country - Michele Bachmann, who? Never heard of her..... Seriously, are we gonna have to get the men in white coats for all of the Republicans? They've all been thrown off the crazy train.
Good God, woman, could you get any more stupid and/or nuts?
PS - According to the news, I live in the state where minors come to have abortions (IL). I watched this woman on the news last night get all bent about her 15 yo daughter having her boyfriend fly her up her to have an abortion - WITHOUT her (the mom's) consent. She had PREPAID her daughter's baby's birth at a hospital in Arkansas. Crazy train indeed.
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