Franken essentially put this "brain trust" lady in her spot. Yes, all polls can be cherry picked and finessed. Hard facts are what are important - and he did not allow this woman the opportunity to perpetuate her cause for the insurance companies.
GO AL!! To my friends in Minnesota....thank God he's not Bachmann.

OMG! I love him!!!!
We need more Senators like Al Franken!
if obama fullfills his promises and does what he's supposed to do as he 'promised' i'll vote for him for a second term..if he doesn' pushing for al franken for president...i fecking love him
I saw this video before and totally friggin love this guy!! Even as much as Alan Grayson! How bout Grayson/Franken 2016??
Maybe we should have more comedians in the Senate. How about Jeanine Garafalo, Will Durst, and everyone who's ever been a Daily Show Correspondent?
Hey, if Obama doesn't come around, maybe it should be Grayson/Franken 2012!
If I were homosexual, I would go for this guy. He is ferking awesome, as they say over in the valley.
I saw this earlier, and as I was listening to his very deliberate, methodical knife thrust, I was thinking, yes yes yes, and twist the damned thing...he did.
Just to add to what Franken said about cancer survival rates ...
One thing the people who use that talking point ("higher survival rates") conveniently leave out is that survival rates vary considerably state-to-state and by race, and seem to have an awful lot to do whether someone has health coverage.
Also, it sooooo bears repeating that this is practically the only talking point those friends of the rich have at their disposal. Other than ridiculous comparisons of quanitities of equipment (like MRI machines) - and that talking point ignores the fact that all those MRI machines drive up costs as private clinics use them to increase billings.
I may need to steal this for my blog. I love him.
I've always admired Al ever since I read his books! Again, he is spot on!
i saw this, i like this. and who is that hottie behind him. OH YEAH!
I'm a very proud Minnesotan when I see him in action. Klobuchar is also great- many of us scratch our heads (when we're not hiding them) over Michelle Bachmann- NO CLUE how we have her and him speaking for us.
Is it wrong of me that I just thought the woman sitting behind Al Franken was HOT!
no, not at all wrong, wmpr. I'm surprised I didn't notice.
OK guys... enough of the "hottie". We don't want those conservatives thinking ill of us!!
I love Al Franken. Back when he was on SNL a guy I worked with had a brother and sister-in-law who worked as writers on the show. (They went on to do 3rd Rock from the Sun, That 70s Show, and a bunch of SNL movies like The Coneheads and stuff.) But, when the guy I worked with took his son who had muscular dystrophy to see the show in New York, it was Al Franken who took a real shine to the kid and his family. He even came to Toledo at his own cost to host a thing to raise money for MD. He used to send the kid autographed stuff from people who came on SNL. He really impressed me as a smart man with a big heart. Even moreso now.
The right-wing talking point about greater rates of cancer was debunked recently on my talk show, "TMI with Aldous Tyler". You see, it compares apples (the rate at which Americans get a second cancer after their first one) and oranges (the rates that people who have universal health care get a second cancer after their first diagnosis). In the first case, because our health care system has very little prevention built into it, the first cancer happens on average much earlier in life than for those with universal health care.
Let me try and boil it down: if your health care is worse, on average you get cancer earlier in life. The later in life you get your first cancer, the more likely you are to get your second cancer within the next five years - because you are OLDER. The fact that it took longer for the FIRST cancer to show up displays the superiority of the universal systems in preventing cancer in the first place.
Now you can see just how devious the other side has to be in order to make universal health care into the boogeyman.
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