I love how the time was established as TWO A.M. - to set our clocks either forward or back and hour. I would assume that hour was chosen as an hour when most people are sleeping or something. If anyone has an answer, I would appreciate knowing, so I can add that to my trivia knowledge.
My only problem, with theson travelling all over the world - I have to assimilate the time difference. At this moment he is SIX hours ahead of my time. Tomorrow he will be SEVEN hours difference. Egypt does change their times, but not at the same time as the U.S.A.
I keep a little clock in front of me (and on the puter) showing the time wherever he is. That way, I won't be trying to SKYPE him while he is sleeping. **Except for when the Steelers were in the playoffs and super bowl last year. I did skype him and blasted the Steelers songs over the interwebs......I loved it! Not sure if he did though!
Be that as it may, we will set ALL the clocks in the house back an hour, around 9 pm, as I am always afraid I will be tired later. Luckily, my bedroom clock, just has a switch (EST-DST) and sets its own time. Woohoo, a no brainer for me.
The rain has let up and the temps are quite cool - 50*, so hopefully we will have a weather event-free Trick or Treat!
Everyone have a GREAT weekend! Tomorrow is "catch up on all the blogs" day - so I will be commenting then. Thanks so much for stopping by - and I'll catch ya later!
Don't forget to check out Past the Velvet Rope this week. It's a brief one, but still excellent!

I thought Bush changed the dates, I even bet the husband 100 bucks that this was not the weekend! Damn, oh well at least he knows there is no way he was gonna get a hundred bucks outta me! lol
Well, when I was at WVU we all felt like 2:00 a.m. was the perfect choice because that's when the bars are supposed to close, so they get an extra hour of business. No lie. Don't know who decided what though. I just know that the cheer would go up when it was 2:00 a.m. again. Or back to midnight again. Or whatever hour gave us an extra hour of bar time.
Yeah. I think I didn't concentrate on the right things in Morgantown. LOL
i always remember...learned my lesson the hard way.
it's been beautiful today..low 70's
and going to be like that for the next week..first time in over a month that we'll have a full week with out at least one day of rain..which is too weird..had over 9 inches of rain for oct. whee.
Hawaii and Arizona are the only two states with any smarts and don't play that game. Which means Hawaii is only 5 hrs behind EST now instead of 6.
When I was working shift work, if I was on midnight shift when the clocks went forward and only had a 7 hr shift, would then be on midnight shift again and have a 9 hr shift when the clocks would fall back. Don't know if that is still true as the dates have changed a couple of times since then.
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