BUT, if it is true - we need to send messages to Inouye that removal of this amendment is NOT acceptable.
Removing Title VII will force any woman with a claim of rape, or sexual harassment into a forced and secret arbitration - rather than be dealt with in criminal court. Since any arbitration board for these companies would primarily consist of MALES - the odds of a woman prevailing with charges, would be NIL.
I find this hard to imagine that Inouye would give no credence to "rape" and a woman's rights, since he co-sponsored the Violence Against Women Act of 1994. He has constantly supported issues like, sensible gun control, women's right to choose, desegregation, consumer protection, public works and labor.
He lost an arm in WWII and has been in the Senate for close to 47 years I believe. He is no spring chicken, at the age of 83, but he is tuned in to most issues of importance. He needs to step up to the plate and defend women and their right to judicial equality.

As Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, Inouye has received donations of $294,900 from the aerospace and defense industries. It is not rocket science to hazard a guess on loyalties here.
I feel that it is unacceptable to sacrifice our women on the altar of corporatism - for preserving campaign donations. Totally unacceptable!!
If anyone feels the need to express their disdain for this possible move, and pressure Inouye to do the right thing, you can call his office at 202-224-3934...or write to the local papers in his state (150 words or less) at the following:
We are not living in the dark ages and if a man is responsible for the act of rape - then the law needs to come into play - not an arbitration board and a slap on the wrist. STAND UP FOR WOMEN'S RIGHTS!!!
Now, I'm going to curl up in bed and watch the new Transformers movie. I don't plan on doing anything today. The house is clean, thegrandson is off to school (two hour delay today), thedaughter will be leaving for work at 12:30 pm - so it is all about ME now! Have a great day (raining and gloomy here!)
Later......................NEW POST UP AT PTVR!!

I'll call and email...I find this just horrifying.
Are you flippin kidding me?????????????????????????????
Enjoy your day (anyway!!!)
I called. The line is busy. Inouye would be involved in this, unless someone is paying him well to do so. He does have a history of $favors$ for defense contractors.
That anyone could block this is unbelievable. If just ONE of the men on those crews has his wallet stolen, and was forced into "arbitration" they'd be screaming bloody murder, and the GOP would be all over the "victim's rights" position. But Oh, rape? Oh that's not really crime.
Unbelievable bastards.
Is it my imagination, or is the GOP getting meaner everyday?
No, they're getting stupider everyday. It's not possible for them to be more mean!
I am angry about this because this is one of our own - 'pressure from the defense contractors' my ass. This is RAPE for God sakes and that shouldn't be put through arbitration! Name me any other company in the US that could get away with this crap!
I think there should be a mandatory retirement age in Congress - like 70 or so. After a while, you just start becoming counterproductive. There are so many fossils in Congress that have just outlived their usefulness. Most businesses have mandatory retirement ages - for a good reason - retire and let some new blood in! And I like older people - just not a lot of the fossils in Congress!
The concept of arbitating a felony just blows my mind.
I am so deeply offended by this that I am unable to form a coherent sentence. I have tried 3-4 times.
Thank you, Mom, for making me aware of this.
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