Last night, while I was trying to sleep (always an effort), someone from Taiwan managed to post 67 comments on previous posts. I added word verification a short while ago, to avoid this problem, but apparently I have been targeted.

So now, I am going to try moderating comments for awhile. I'm sorry if this will upset anyone, but I detest going back and deleting that many comments.
The only thing I could make out on all these comments was "SEO". Google tells me this is a Taiwanese based company called Search Engine Optimization. whether I have hit on the right company or not is beside the point. I just prefer not to deal with nuisances. So bear with me.
Back to bed I go now.........later..............

Wow, shit! That's a bummer. BBC once posted his nasty mean comment on one of my posts 20 times on the same post. I think he did this because I deleted his comment the first time he did it. Now I let him leave a comment if he keeps it brief and isn't vile. So far he's complying. I just can't figure out why me.
I'm sorry you're sick. I hope you're back in the pink soon.
That's it. I'm never going to comment on here again gosh darn it.
I was getting this on only one particular post. If I clicked on the link for who sent it, the pages I was redirected to were asian porn sites. I deleted them all then closed the comments on that one post and so far, so good...(knock on wood).
i sometimes get utterly random deluges of hits, numbering in the hundreds, often hitting "image" search results which I post to illustrate my own or other offerings.
Nobody ever comments, though. Sometimes I've speculated that there are internets scavenger hunts.
weirdness abounds on the intertubes...
one of my posts on the death of the taco bell puppy gets tons of japanese comments..all in after 40 of them(the post is months old) I just went and deleted the post..them spammers are a pain in the ass...
What a pain in the butt! I've gotten a few, but not enough to worry about. I just delete them.
I was getting some strange stuff for a while, but it would easy to manage. I don't mind one little bit! I think I'll make it "past the velvet rope!".
I have a cold too so I'm right there with you. Best wishes!!!!
You don't need that abuse of your comment area. I hate the word verification and, but I certainly understand. I'll still comment (when I visit at a decent hour LOL. <3
Oh, that sucks. This happens to me every couple of months, too. I've been taking the time to just delete the comments, but I'm pretty close to doing moderation myself. Sorry to hear you've been so harried.
What a nuisance! I guess I'm lucky that hasn't happened to me. Good luck.
Does SPAM stink, or what?
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