This is the view, of the underside of my kitchen table. The larger object at the top, is the top of the pedestal base. Then you can see where there are three "screws" (table gets more than me), with another three on the opposing side.
Yesterday, thedaughter's friend helped me switch out one kitchen set for another that I also have. I'm fickle - what can I say? I change tables, by the mood I'm in apparently.
But I digress. After the screws (we actually had only 5) were properly set, and the table returned to its upright position, and of course checked for sturdiness, we took a break from all this labor.
Approximately one half hour later, thedaughter and her friend have the table upside down again, checking to see why the table top was now NOT secure. ALL FIVE SCREWS WERE MISSING!!
I'm totally serious...they are no where to be found. Why and what could have happened to these 1 1/2" wood screws???? Luckily, after searching through two tool boxes, I found some more. The top is 100% secure now - but I cannot help but ponder the mystery of the missing screws.
To add to my weirdness, I do believe in ghosts. At one point in time, my mother (the mean bitch) and twin sister had bought a condo. Soon after moving in, they realized they had a guest living with them. My sister had named this little boy Jason (so appropriate).
They regaled us with stories of this little apparition and I was slightly ho-hum about the entire story, but always listened intently. That was until I took my kids down to visit for a weekend.
That was when we actually saw/felt this same Casper type character. He was harmless, helpful if the truth be known. Supposedly, one night when my mother was choking - Jason awoke my sister to get her some help. Dodododododododo! (Twilight Zone music). The second night, thedaughter (maybe 7 at the time) started talking in her sleep, I thought. She was talking to the person that just "brushed up against my feet."
When it was time for us to leave and I was packing my car, I deliberately made sure I had all the dirty clothes in a paper bag, by the bags - to go in the car at the same time. When I got home (an hour and a half drive), NO DIRTY CLOTHES.
I called back down to my sister, and asked her if she saw the bag anywhere, because although believeing I had put it in the car (I know I did), it didn't make it back home with me. She gave the condo a cursory look through, and said she didn't see it anywhere.
Two days later, she called me and said she was doing laundry, and found THE BAG, just sitting inside the dryer!!! WTF!?!?! After losing the argument that she was pulling my leg, I caved and had no other answer. My sister did do some research on the grounds where the condos were contructed. It was originally farmland, remaining with one family for a great many years. The only death recorded, by accident, was a young boy, who fell down a well. I no longer remember all the details, but felt that may explain some things.
But since all the neighbors have their Halloween decorations up and the creapy movies are all on TV - I guess I'm just going to have to figure out who is haunting my house.....and if they are going to return those FIVE SCREWS!!!

That's really weird about the screws. Could they have been stripped, fallen out and rolled somewhere else in the kitchen?
That is really bizarre about those screws. kenju may be right about them. Anytime I put screws into wood, I like to put some wood glue on them first. Wood does tend to swell sometimes due to temperature changes. In the meantime, keep your camera and camcorder handy in case you might be able to capture some spirits!
TheMom neglects to mention that there is NINE YEAR OLD BOY in the house. come on, TheGrandson probably did it, fooling around, not knowing any better that it could crush his tiny body.
Here's hoping those five screws find you in some form or another ;)
Oh!!! That's scary!!!!
OK - the screws were not stripped - they fit quite nicely. Love my DeWalt!! As for the NINE YEAR OLD...he was with me across the street, and had no hand in pilfering the screws. Since thedaughter and her friend remained at the table, they neither saw nor heard screws dropping out and possibly rolling under the stove. THEY ARE GONE - DISAPPEARED - STOLEN BY THE GHOST!!
Weird. I lose those little screws that come in electronics all the time, but it would be hard to miss five 1.5" screws. And to have them all fall out? I can see one or maybe two, but all five? At the same time? That's odd.
I was going to be envious that you are getting screwed and I'm not, but now I find you are getting unscrewed and I'm not. Now I don't feel so competitively bad.
That is very strange that the screws would just poof! disappear. The others will catch up sooner, hopefully not to much later! *Wink*
Wow! If it was me, I'd just leave it be. I hunt ghosts, but not in my own house. Every now and then we have something unexplainable happen here:
--like my niece was here had she yelled for her Uncle Curmy to stop because she thought he'd thrown a paper ring from one of his cigars at her because it came flying past her head, but her Uncle Curmy was downstairs and I was on the other side of the house.
--like Curmy and I have both at different times gotten locked inside a room that locks from the outside when no one else was home. I removed the lock the second time.
--like when a fully formed Curmy woke me up to tell me that I needed to get up if I was going to be ready for them. I sat up in the bed and asked who them was. I yelled and yelled. No answer. I came downstairs to find Curmy was at work and I was alone in the house. My cousin showed up unexpectedly 15 minutes later. It only added to the creepy factor.
If this place is haunted, it would be the fourth place I've lived that was haunted. If you do want your ghost hunted, I know people who do it seriously. I just do it for fun. You can e-mail me if you want to know what ghosthunters live in your area.
That IS strange. I don't even try to understand some things that happen.
i have to be honest with you... forget the table and get yours :p
Don't worry all...they will turn up sooner or later, I just hate to think WHERE they might turn up. Themom's twin was never to close with me...hope I don't find them under my pillow...j/k...Needless to say the friend that screwed the scres in, in the first place says this house is haunted and he is leary of coming back into it. He keeps thinking I hid the screws even after he physically screwed them in himself. This is truly comical, and to those who care I did see thetwins ghost Jason, I may have been young but I can remember to the T what he looked like and wht he was wearing, sorry mom you didn't get a look.
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