Of course it is Sunday, and my big thing was looking forward to the Steelers kicking Brett Favre's butt!! Hooray - it was awesome.
We have found out that thegrandson's elementary school has an outbreak of the H1N1 - and what does he do today - spike a temp of 100.8*. He is lethargic and has a bad headache as well. He will not be attending school tomorrow and possibly for a few more days. We are playing this one by ear. I have the runniest nose - and a headache...but what's new????
Since thedaughter managed to break her arm last year - after carving pumpkins, we took no chances and carried out the process on the kitchen table this year. All went quite well. Thegrandson is not allowed to play with knives yet...so he was relegated to "cleaning" out the pumpkin as you can see from these two pics.

The expressions he was making were hilarious. The upside is - he can't wait till his pumpkin seeds have finished baking, for his consumption.
The "spider" carving, is the same as last year. We lost the template, but I blew up last years picture and made a new template. It looks great. I have combined the pics of the pumpkins with and without a flash. Thedaughter carved the Spider and the Grim Reaper....I carved the ghost on a tombstone. I think we actually did a wonderful job this year, if I do say so myself.

Hopefully, thegrandson will be well enough to Trick or Treat on Saturday evening. Right now, he is plain miserable. He is such a tiny little guy, when he gets a "bug" he can't fight it off well. Now we start the worrying - I have mastered that art over many years.
Now....for more "pretty awful" Halloween costumes:

Gonna run for now...hoping the Colts get their butt kicked tonight also! Medication time - ahhhhhh drugs!!!
Have a wonderful evening and I will get back here tomorrow.....sometime.........
both our teams won..yeah for us..
I keep forgetting to carve the damn pumpkin..maybe i should have you come do it..they look terrific.
I wanna go as a holy shit..a brown body cover with a halo..ha
OK, you can beat my Vikings, but don't let it happen again! At least my Iowa Hawkeyes are still undefeated.
I LOVE to carve pumpkins but this #*&$^#* move is getting in the way of Halloween - one of my favorite holidays. I'll just have to celebrate twice as well next year.
Hope your boy is feeling better soon. We have fevers and colds running through town, and a little bit of H1N1. Take care!!!
the second picture is a face of pure disgust... you are doing halloween right. NICE!
Looks like a lot of fun! Wow those are some awesome jack-o-lanterns! So creative--Bravo! I hope thegrandson's temp has gone down and he is NOT getting the flu!
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