OK - I went to the doctor today and he says my lungs sound good, but it will probably take about a month to totally clear up the pneumonia. Woohoo!! The throat closing problem he is ascribing to the prednisone. I should hope that gets out of my system soon, as it is a pain in the ass. Of course, I got the obligatory "you need to quit smoking", to which I replied, "I will get right on that!"
**fingers crossed behind back! when he said he was going to do all the CAT scans while I was in the hospital, I was hesitant - and told him OK, but if there was ANY bad news, I didn't want to know! I'm funny that way. But he said they were perfect. Kewl! So, that means I have more time to gum up my lungs from nicotine right???? I am not an idiot by any means, and I do know the dangers, but quitting is so very hard. He said in jest, he would rather I have a 12 pack a day - and we then argued about the ramifications of weight issues with all choices. I won...still smoking!!!
I know I have said this so many times, but I have the greatest son in the world. I got an e-mail this morning for my e-tickets to fly to Boston on the 22nd (a week from tomorrow). I wasn't really going to go this year, as money is really tight, but out of the blue, he and my daughter have been collaborating on this surprise. I have gone there for many years, but for the past four years, I have always gone up for my birthday, and celebrate with my adoptive family - and there are two there with birthdays at the same time. So, they better be getting the apple martinis ready!! I will fly up on the 22nd and come home on the 27th - wonderful, I repeat, wonderful family and we always have a great time. Plus, I get to shop at the Christmas Tree stores - we don't have them here. It does not take a whole lot to make me happy.

On to other things....how about Bernie Madoff??? That fucker has to be paying off these judges. His ass should be behind bars until he is convicted and sent to "the big house." Crapola, you hold up a 7-11 and get away with $100, your ass is behind bars ASAP, do not pass go, do not collect $200. WTF....$50 billion seems not to be a big thing here. Especially when the asshole tried to mail over a million dollars worth of jewels to family members, and had checks made out for another $173 million. This entire thing boggles the mind. I guess the Feds have a few worries for his safety (hell, I'd let him run the gauntlet), and made him wear a bullet-proof vest to court today. If someone really wants him, they'll take the head shot! Boy, I'm in a mean mood at the moment it would seem.
I just have a very low tolerance from those who can "pay" there way out of scrapes. And the way the economy has turned, and I think of all the people this man has ripped off - even to the point of two suicides...my blood pressure definitely rises exponentially.
This is very short and sweet, as I am tired and heading to the bedroom, to laugh at the stupid American Idol wannabes. Please note, I never watch the show till maybe the last couple, but watching these preliminaries is hysterical.
We are getting the snow dumped as I type. We have about 4" and more coming, so I am going to crash and let Mother Nature have at it! Behave and see ya tomorrow.
Good grief, I didn't realize that pneumonia hung around so long.
For some reason, it surprises me that you smoke. I was too afraid of lighting a lighter to ever start.
I am so glad that you're going to get to go on your trip. Your kids are really wonderful and generous to you. Of course, they learned that kind of thing from you.
And Hi. I've tagged you with a meme. I hope you don't mind.
Hope you get over that nasty sooner than that month and glad your vacation is gonna work out.
Hope you get back to normal soon.
I remember shopping at the Christmas Tree store at the Sagamore Bridge and the other Christmas Tree stores on Cape Cod. They sell a lot of seconds and other cheap stuff. Have fun in Beantown!!
Chickie: You are a smart girl. I have been at it for 40 years! Argh!!1
Lisa: I always get excited about the Boston trip...and sometimes getting snowbound a few extra days!
Warped Mind of Ron: thank you very much...and hope you recup soon too!
Kulkuri: I love the "cheap" store. They just have goodies we don't have back home. Definitely for shits and giggles.
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