In 3rd grade, my twin sister and I wanted to "go away" to boarding school, since our brother was allowed the luxury...and our parents said OK, not sending us to another state, but just in town to a girl's Catholic boarding school. (We were not Catholic.) I must say, it was an interesting teaching experience, albeit different from public schools, and I think I found a fondness for politics at that stage. One of the nuns was a cousin to John F. Kennedy, and he made an all day campaign stop in Parkersburg, meeting with his cousin for a couple of hours. Of course, she had to show off her beautiful charges (that would include me) to Kennedy. That was a memory I will hopefully never forget. Thinking back, and being such a young person, the thing that impressed me the most was how tall Kennedy was, and I loved his accent. I can vividly remember all the women imitating Jackie Kennedy with their 2 pc. suits and pillbox hats - so much for originality. Oh the fun times of youth.
But now back to reality. Obama picked Joe Biden as his running mate Saturday, and as I have stated, I would have preferred Hillary, but I can live with Biden. What amazes me the most is the "SPIN" which started immediately from the McCain camp. The hypocritic statements begin. Mistakes or mis-statments will now be made aplenty and apologies abundant. Dammit - let's get to Election Day and hopefully let change begin.

To follow McCain will only be four more years of Bush and honestly, I believe the majority of people are fed up! And if I hear "because he was a POW" one more time, I may go ballistic. I am not without sympathy, but being a POW in and of itself carries no credentials to run a country. He survived, fooled around on his wife, married a rich broad and has so many houses he can't count them...OK, let's move on.
Enough of that for now. I called the bank to reaffirm what I was told Saturday and got a different girl, who told me a completely different story - so I had to be transferred to her supervisor. Two out of three have the same details, so I am going to consider the ridiculous amount trying to be debited from my account - as closed. Give someone a phone headset, set them in a cubicle and they can tell you anything they desire, right, wrong or otherwise. Far be it from me to keep making calls till I get the right answer or one I can live with.
I need to find something to do today, I have cleaned, laundry is caught up, moved furniture (to the point of pain), and today is cooler, maybe something on the deck...we will see.!!
Have a great day and TTFN. Stay well.
***I finally was able to see theson and chat on Skype. I feel much better.
You went to Catholic School in Parkersburg?
Is the school still there?
[I lived in Parkersburg about 14 years ago - and worked at a Redneck-ish Bar next to a strip club]
I'm so sick of the political process already. I just want to be done with it.
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