FEAR is the only way I can describe the events of just an hour ago. I was returning home from running a couple of errands, and in order to get to my house, we turn off the main road, and bear to the left at a fork, and straight up the road to my home. The normal course of driving means we have to go relatively slow, as the road is narrow (although 2 cars can pass), and it is a residential area. As I made this left onto our street, a young boy came flying (running) off the hill from behind some bushes, I hit the brakes - putting my car sideways, thinking I had hit this young lad. In my mind all I could see was the kid (all in red - OSU) flying behind my car. Admittedly I was frozen - then the boy appeared at my passenger window, with eyes as big as saucers, saying "I'm all right!" WTF - I tried NOT to yell at him, but made him verify to me that he wasn't hit, no injuries, and followed that up with getting his name and where he lived - and told him to "get the hell home!"
It took me a couple of minutes to compose myself, and make it the entire block to get home. I couldn't even get out of the car...had to honk for thedaughter to come out. By now, I want to cry, scream - or beat the little shit up - for being stupid. Thedaughter was furious at this kid, for the condition I was now in. She got her car keys and proceeded to find the kid and make sure the parents knew how irresponsible he was. It turns out that he is the son of one of theson's classmates (A. Vinka), and thedaughter informed her of what had transpired. The mother, in an air-headed way said, "he isn't even supposed to be on your street!" No mention of grounding or he acted poorly, blah blah blah!
Thedaughter called the local P.D., and stated the situation, just to have it logged, so there can be no repercussions from this family...they are sending a policeman to get a statement to that effect also! It's a shame that you have to cover your ass so well, but we know how people like to litigate everything! Now all I have to do is get rid of this screaming headache and get rid of my rubber legs.
I cannot describe what actually went through my head, but I honestly believed I had hit this boy...and that I could never live with! Thank heavens this had a good outcome, and my heart appears to have survived the shock. I certainly hope the day improves.
Take care and TTFN.
Open Thread March 5 2025
19 hours ago
I accidentally nudged a kid on a bike with my car and freaked out. I can't imagine what was going through your head!
Relax & have a good weekend.
Don't worry me (thedaughter) to the rescue. I wanted to beat up the mom for being so naive as to her son's wherabouts and actions, but I calmly told her the problem and delt with it accordingly. All I could think about was mom and her heart and I took action.
This boy was not much older than my son and should have boundries just like my son so situations like this can be avoided. But, all is well, the boy is safe (and hopefully grounded for life) and mom is calm.
I can not imagine how terrified you were!
I'm really glad that you called the police. It's sad that you have to cover yourself legally, but well worth it in the end.
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