The Most Loved and Most Hated memes have been flying all over the place. So, why not, eh? I will follow suit and use this for my Sunday post.
1. Most hated food: LIVER. I have tried it many different ways, thinking this time the taste and aftertaste will be better. This has not happened yet.
2. Most hated person: I do not HATE anyone. Too strong of an emotion, but I can put here as the most detested person - Dick Cheney!!
3. Most hated job: Waitressing. It might have been a more thankful job had the employer been a more stand up person. It was a one time experience.
4. Most hated city: Of all the cities I have visited or live, I can't think of a one without some redeeming quality.
5. Most hated band: I am far from an aficionado of bands.
6. Most hated web site: I rove all over the place, and haven't found one to totally despise yet.
7. Most hated TV program: FAUX NEWS
8. Most hated British politician: Tony Blair
9. Most hated artist: No comment on this one. Any artist has more talent than me so they get my consideration.
10. Most hated book: The bible.
11. Most hated shop: Mall stores. I abhor going to the mall - help is no longer an attribute to this service industry.
12. Most hated organization: The "church" of scientology and other cults.
13. Most hated historical event: Bush's war on Iraq. Senseless and not warranted.
14. Most hated sport: NASCAR - I think these drivers lack the talent of making right hand turns.
15. Most hated piece of technology: None...everything as evolved nicely I believe.
16. Most hated annual event: Family reunions. I'm not a big fan whatsoever.
17. Most hated daily task: Cleaning the bathroom of the CAT.
18. Most hated comedian: This is going to kill me - I can see the moron and can't come up with his name. When I do remember, I will be sure and let you know. ***Thanks is Andy Dick. And...he is!
And now the love.
1. Most loved food: Anything with potatoes.
2. Most loved person: My children and grandchildren - I can't break this down to just one.
3. Most loved job: Office management. I have terrific organizational skills and decision making processes - sometimes they paid off.
4. Most loved city: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
5. Most loved band: The Beatles (I'm old, what can I say?)
6. Most loved web site: ALL my blog friends. There can't be just one.
7. Most loved TV program: "24" - I know it is about killing, wars and BS, but I love the action and cliffhanger style.
8. Most loved movie: It's old, but sticks with me...Fate is the Hunter with Glenn Ford.
9. Most loved artist: Andy Warhol
10. Most loved book: Stephen King's The Stand. It was vivid and drew me into the dark.
11. Most loved shop: Puddleduck's in Wheeling, WV
12. Most loved organization: There is no such organization.
13. Most loved historical event: The first moon landing.
14. Most loved sport: NFL football - Pittsburgh Steelers.
15. Most loved piece of technology: Computer
16. Most loved annual event: Christmas
17. Most loved daily task: Blogging
18. Most loved comedian: George Carlin, now and forever, and forever and forever.
Have a great Sunday, hopefully the weather is cooperating wherever you may be.

you shouldn't really do a love/hate meme if you ain't got the cojones to hate something. my next blog is a list of things that piss me of. i'm working on a format now. love ya.
I love your memes. I can't help but guess who is the most hated comedian! I'm wondering, if it's not Gilbert Godfrey or Adam Corolla! Or maybe it's Andy Dick!
Have a great Sunday!
Nicely done dear. I loved your hates more than your loves. I wonder what that says about me?
Every time I see the word meme I turn tail and run. I've been tagged twice in the past couple of weeks and I just can't wrap my head around a meme right now. One of these days, I'll get around to fulfilling my bloggerly obligations. I should be a good sport and just do them, but...
Carols Mencia is a pretty gawd awful comedian.
Agree with lots of your picks, themom! Especially hating NASCAR. haha
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