Jenkins is a fukktard of gargantuan proportions anyway, so this was a delight to my eyes to see someone literally catch him off guard. Note how Jenkins decides to rant on about Adam Green being from the PRESS. Yay, bloggers are now considered legitimate reporters!!
Memo to self **next time interviewing anyone, take along my own RED CARPET!
If I watched O'Reilly, it would be interesting to see what kind of SPIN the blowhard puts on this video, if he has the nerve to air the entire mess. We all know "the SPIN stops here" with O'Reilly - so EVERYTHING MUST BE TRUE.

On June 14, 1990, we had the Wegee and Pipe Creek floods which killed 26 people, several whom I we are a valley of "creek watchers." That was a case, called a "one hundred year event", where a storm stalled over this area and dumped 6" of rain with 4" being dumped in the first hour. It was a horrible time for so many. To this day, if we are hit by torrential downpours, the flashbacks reappear.
This time my basement stayed dry - that makes me a very happy camper. Some neighbors got hit this time, which is strange to me, but I won't question it at this point.
So much to do and I seem to be spinning my wheels. Have a great day and catch ya.....later...........
We are supposed to have equally hard storms again tomorrow night - so if Mother Nature could be appeased in anyway - I'm open to suggestions.

We've been having weird weather here -- a raging thunderstorm with a torrential downpour hit the office park where I work just before I left for the afternoon today. Did the dash to the parking lot, then drove barely two blocks to find dry pavement and the sun shining.
I'd love to see someone harass O'Reilly the same way he turns goons on people, but it's never going to happen. Progressives/liberals/leftists are just too nice to ever get that obnoxious.
Must really suck for Fuks Nuz when the shoe is on the other foot.
I'm glad to here that you folks made it through those storms ok last night. We're supposed to get some of that junk here tonight and tomorrow.
Stay safe tonight....and don't get too far away from the basement.
every since i switched over to ie8 i can't watch videos..
i'd give my left tit for some rain..thunderstorms welcomed..if you drys up before it hits the ground.
I remember well June of 1990. My Mom and I were driving through the area (Rt 7) the next day on our way to the Bob Evans farm. The National Guard was all over the place. What a tragedy. Readers Digest did an article on it I think a year later.
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