Now I read his blog today - Nomadic Tendencies, and find out he has been in an accident.
I need to dig up the video I have from my visit to Cairo last May. Theson's driver is an excellent driver - but I had to get some video of the craziness of most Egyptian drivers. There were times that I just closed my eyes, and kept faith in the man at the wheel.
I'm so happy that theson is well and uninjured, and able to blog about the event, with pictures.
Found the video - this was taken on our way to The Citadel. There are no lane markings, and you can see how people just "make their way" around and into traffic.
There were worse incidents, but I never had my camera at the time.
I shall return.....later..............

You are and inspiration and role model to me as a mother.
What ever happened to the guy who wanted to sell beer and the priggy neighborhood ladies had a petition against it?
PENolan: thanx...the women won out - and I really don't know how. I believe they may have padded the petition forms, as I found out later, so many thought the same way as I. These were women who are comfy in their husbands retirements and benefits, and never worry about making a day to day living. Aha, but they have to deal with me and my friends watch out. We are also petitioning gainst their petition. Talk about a run around.
Glad he is ok. I saw this in my reader and almost dreaded reading it!
"Oh Snap" LOL... something is wrong with my computer (memory full), so I will be back later to view the video.
I'm so glad to here that he's ok, and I'm sure you are very relieved.
Boy, I am glad to know he is okay. I have always wanted to go to Egypt, but this has made me decide not to drive (or ride) there!!
holy crap....glad he's ok....and you..
Glad theson's still shinin' on!
Driving almost anywhere in the 2nd world is pretty much ALWAYS exciting. Remind me to tell you about driving from Nogales to Guaymas one night, through Hermosillo, right into a running gun fight...
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