I had to take a picture in the car as we were hading to OC, as we had 2 cell phones, an iPod, a radar detector and stuff all on the dash - and I commented to thedaughter that our dash alone was worth a pretty penny.

Not even ten minutes after we checked into our room, I got a phone call - it was a young man's voice and all he said was "get out of the room, the cops are on their way!" WTF...we hadn't even burned one yet! Paranoia sets in, as I am super tired. I complained to the manager at the front desk that I was not impressed with getting prank calls immediately upon arriving in our room. They apologized and said it wouldn't happen again - like how are they going stop something like that? I was hoping this was not going to be a portent of things to come. (It wasn't.)

There wasn't one single decent sunrise to film though. Every morning looked like it was going to storm (yet only stormed on 3 occasions), but by noon all was clear.
I'm going to have stop here, as I have some things to tend to, but I will add more later. Have a great day friends...enjoy the weather! (Hope it is good for all.)

Sometimes I miss the ocean like an absent limb...
i was already in mid-30s by the time i got to the beach to live. 1980-84, in Santa Barbara. I flipped off raygun's Chopper flying overhead from the parking lot of the break where i surfed usually.
i am of two minds about my surfing experiences. one is that had I started in my youth, as a gremmie, I might never have left the water, and who know where that might have gone...the other is that, having learned it late, I have a really special appreciation for the minor miracles i would have taken for granted had I been a beach baby...
another thing: I came equipped, genetically, with far, far too little melanin for as much as I love the beach and the sea...I was using bullfrog as soon as i learned of its existence...
Great pics! I loved your comments on them too. But Colton is waayyyy to old for floaties - I hate those damned things - as a swim instructor, they give kids a false sense of safety.
Rant off//
Woody: I love my annual cruise to the Caribbean, but that didn't pan out this year. Sun and surf work well for me as a rejuvenating force.
Lisa G: He does not need the swimmies...he just likes to wear them and thinks he is cool. I taught swimming for many years, was a life guard and hate the damn things personally. Thanks.
Looks like vacation was fun! I'm glad you had a good time. Thank goodness the cops didn't catch you.
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