I have downloaded all of thedaughters music to the iPod, cameras are packed, of course there are more clothes than anyone needs, and we will definitely forget something. The plan is to leave here at 5 am tomorrow morning. Thegrandson can sleep in the back seat and he has his coloring and activity books, not to mention the PSP (and I bought a car charger to keep it active).
The dog has to go to the "boarders" tonight, and this should be interesting - she's in heat. Talk about great timing. I am hoping to get her spayed when we return home. The cat is going to have the run of the house the entire time. No humans or dog to attack - this may just be the catalyst to drive her over the edge. My neighbor is going to check on her Wednesday or Thursday to make sure her food is OK and that she hasn't run out of water.
I can't find my favorite beach cover-up and I'm about ready to bust a vessel. I keep it in the same place all the time, but for whatever reason - not there. Grrr....
I am taking my puter and I hopefully will be posting some pics from there. One cannot expect me to go through computer withdrawal for no reason. Even on cruises I have to get to the computer room at least every other day. This is a short vacation for me. I usually like an entire week, but we will be returning home next Saturday.
I have promised thegrandson that we will get a kite - of course that is an age old tradition - flying a kite on the beach. Let me tell you now...I will not be running to get it aloft. That would be tantamount to suicide. Death by boobs in the face. Arghhh...
Gotta run, more stuff to pack and organize. This may never end from what I can see.
Catch y'all tomorrow night after we get settled in. The eight hour drive won't deter me - I promise...I think!

Have fun! Eat some fresh seafood for me!
Drive carefully!
You all have fun!
A word of caution, if I may?
Having announced your pending departure here, and in the full knowledge that, if some kinda fuckup can occur, it will, probably you oughta wanna call the local gendarmes, and inform them, too, that you'll be gone, when your neighbors will be there, and when you expect to get back...
fuckers, you pay their salaries, you might as well get some use outta 'em...
Have a great time. Hope the weather is perfect for you, the whole time.
Well? I'm waiting, hon. Just kidding. Which reminds me, I have a friend who looks a lot like you and has a feisty, shall we say, temperament. Once, a colleague said something to her in the office, tacking "hon" on to the end of the sentence as a matter of course. "HON?" she roared. The poor guy took one look at her and blurted out, "I meant, as in 'Attila!'"
I can't stand going on holiday without my computer, or access to one anyway.
have fun!
I hope you have a great time!
Stay safe!
That was just too funny about you not running with the kite! LOL!
Hope you made it safe and sound and get some rest after that driving! So glad you're bringing the 'puter! Looking foward to your next post.
And when you get home you can rest from the vacation!
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