In January 2004, my grandson (3 at the time) was sick with the flu and I had him bundled up on the couch, so he could enjoy the TV and neverending nursing services from me (his NINA.) This was relatively early in the evening, and I had noticed this dog in the neighborhood, running loose all day. I would say it is a mix between a collie and chow, and maybe a few other breeds thrown in for good measure. For whatever reason, I was returning home and the dog literally followed me in the house. (**my best friends husband was heading down the street with a plate of food for her at the same time.) The dog immediately jumped on the couch with the sick lad and laid her head on his chest. Now I had made up my mind that I would not have anymore dogs, as our last dog, Warrior, a great dane/black lab mix, had to be put to sleep 11 months earlier. But now I had this beautiful child begging me to keep the dog, and the neighbors husband was also willing to "adopt" it. THE CHILD WON!!! We hung notices at the local food mart in the neighborhood, but no one came forward, as to owning the dog. I guessed the female dog to be about 10 months old.
Back to the DOG HAIR!! Angel, aptly named by my grandson, because she is so loving, protective, quiet --- BUT HAIRY!!! No matter what season of the year - I could make rugs and sell them, for all the hair she sheds. I dropped a small screw from the ceiling fan the other day, cat knocked it into cold air return. No problem, right?? NOT!. I removed the grate and reached down to retrieve screw and came up with a basketball size ball of hair. Behind the fridge, under the hutch, on clothes, it is everywhere. Having had animals all my life, I realize the necessity of making sure to vacuum under the refrigerator, as any buildup could cause condensor problems. Now I did this probably 4 months ago, but noticed a new "sound" an hour ago, so I get out the sweeper and start the process again. OMG!! No animal can possible SHED this much hair. If I were a refrigerator I would have screamed louder than the small sound I heard. HAIR, HAIR (they should make a musical about it!) All hair is now removed and refrigerator literally sighed with relief.
Since the dog is a pansy, and prefers to be inside as opposed to being out harassing neighbor dogs, I may consider having her shaved year around. we have only done this in the summer (and what a pathetic beast she looks like, when bald), but may eliminate some of the mess.
Now, in reference to slyghts blog (Nomadic Tendencies), I am trying to figure out how to tell "stardust" from "housedust." I'm sure I could box up some of the latter, just to throw them off.
Have a good one all!!! Later
Open Thread March 5 2025
19 hours ago
yes you are lucky to have such a wonderful hairy dog...i'm thinking you could knit and sell hair pieces or possibly coats...the possibilites are endless...but you knew that...if you need help go to www.a thousand and one uses for dog/cat!!! good luck best friend..
excellent. i told you that dog was nothing but trouble. googly. i'm tired after a lovely day off. NEED... TO... BLOG!
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