The didgeridoo is a wind instrument of the Indigenous Australians. theson had this shipped to the house and geez - thought it was for me, but unfortunately it is for himself. No problem, as much fun as we have had with it so far, he may have a fight on his hands (with thegrandson) to get it back. When thegrandson first spotted it he was so excited. He ran to it and started blowing into it - and it was hilarious. There is a definite technique involved as to obtaining different notes from this instrument, so far we have managed just a droning sound. I told thedaughter we will use this now to call thegrandson when it is time to come in the house, rather than yelling. The neighbors will really love us then. theson called on Skype a little while ago, and thegrandson was blowing so hard, I thought he would have a stroke - to see it and hear the damn thing is soooo funny. While webcamming, theson told (and showed) thegrandson what he had purchsed for him in Australia - a genuine boomerang, a stuffed kangaroo and a Kangaroo T-shirt. then he told them that if he can't figure a way to ship it home - thegrandson would have to wait till 2009 to get the gifts. Shipping anything into or out of Egypt is a real pain. Guaranteed delivery of any item into Egypt cannot be assured - the same goes for shipping anything to the States.
Yesterday, was my son-in-laws 50th birthday, and my daughter planned a surprise party in his honor. He works in Indiana, and everything had to be planned on his trip home for the weekend. My daughter flew HIS daughter in from St. Petersburg, Florida as the BIG surprise, and nothing could have made him happier. All turned out quite well. Big kid that he is, and his love for water guns turned out to be a big hit with the kids (and the big kid)! They stalked and soaked each other quite well.

This had to be the most unique birthday cake I have ever seen. And trust me - it is ALL cake. For the number 5 - there are 2 hot dogs at top and a batch of french fries for lower portion. The "0" is a hamburger. So ingenious. the cake was quite delicious as well. I am definitely going to have this person make thegrandsons next birthday cake!!
There are various pictures from the party on the flickr site as well. It was a rather warm day, but the evening cooled off quite nicely, and thegrandson and I were home around 9:30 pm. Today is much hotter, and I am doing the "inside" chores, such as laundry, dishes, dusting and crap. We may go out to dinner as Jimmy will be going back to Florida in the morning and tradition dictates we all go out on his last night home. But it is now 3 pm and when you leave plans up to "the guys", they will wait till the last minute to let me know the exact time. Should they NOT call, there will be HELL to pay!
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