Since I lost my friend in October, I can hardly think of anything else, and above all, we had discussed having roses woven through our butterflies, as we know, tatts are addictive. Mom2 was ecstatic after she got her butterfly in April, and as for me having this one done, it is all for my friend Jean. I had one petal colored red, which signifies my friendship and bond. As I explained to the kids and the artist who did the tatt - this would mean absolutely nothing to anybody but ME.
The funny thing was when we went to get Jean's butterfly, afterwards, when we had the entire staff rolling on the floor laughing...she told Chad (the artist) that she was seriously considering coming back and having him do a BATTLESHIP across her chest. Chad said if she would allow it - he would do it for free. Needless to say, Chad remembered my friend and was very sad to hear that she had passed away. Jean and I left a definite impression wherever we went...maybe not always good, but memorable.
Our big snowfall is all gone now as it has been raining non-stop for 2 days and the temps have been rising steadily. Tomorrow is going to be close to 60 degrees.
I guess theson won't be here for Christmas, as he and Jules will be driving to Florida Christmas Eve. That makes me so sad, because he will be leaving for Egypt Jan. 2nd for heaven knows how long. He was home last year for Christmas, but in India for 2005. I don't see how I can ever allow him to move away and have his own family - toooo traumatic. I may need lots of medication.
So much for now, going to snuggle in and watch TV - football night. Damn New England Patriots - sorry my Boston friends. The Steelers looked like shite for sure. Falcons and Saints tonite.
Stay healthy and TTFN.
i love it.....especially the on red petal....
luv ya
i just realized that your christmas countdown has christmas occuring at noon on christmas say. you might want to change that to midnight. now be calm... i know you can figure it out. if you can't, start anew.
What a lovely tattoo to remember a friend.
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