I went to BTownBoyz and one of the guys found a cute site from Office Max - where you can become ELVES. I couldn't resist and made a Christmas dance "video" of my family. Thegrandson was laughing wildly, just tickled that he had become an Elf. I was going to do others, such as a Boston family one - but didn't want anyone getting mad at me. This was definitely for shits and giggles.
Yesterday was a pain in the ass. 1-3" of snow predicted and we received 7". Cars could not get up our street because of the ice which fell first. This new system, where we receive recorded phone messages on school closings is also a pain in the ass - the first call came at 4:40 am, saying there was a 2 hour delay, then at 7:05 am, another stating schools were "now closed". I don't have a problem with the 7 am call, but since I have a hard time sleeping, I don't appreciate the 4:40 am call. As of this moment, it is 14 degrees and schools were finally cancelled for today at 7:30 am.
Freaky weather is here now, because the temps are going to go up over the next few days and will be in the high 50's by the end of next week. I honestly think with the snow yesterday, it was the biggest snowfall we have had in a couple of years. My favorite was on my birthday, January 26th in 1978 - theson was one month old - and the prediction was 2-4" of white stuff and we received over 18". Locally, we have always hired the best meteorologists.
It appears Theson will not be spending Christmas here...he and Jules may be spending the holiday in Florida with her family. Theson also has 2 half brothers there also. And he is definitely going to Egypt (see blog - great location) after the first of the year.
Enough rambling...just wanted to put the family elves on here.
Stay healthy and TTFN.
Open Thread March 5 2025
19 hours ago
Oh! My gosh! The video was hilarious...i'm going to make one and who knows maybe i'll finally blog (ha! ha!)
luv ya
Thank 'Steadman'; she is the fun side of me. I never talk about anything enjoyable. She told me about the site.
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