i can't believe i haven't blogged since last saturday. tax season and my job really keep me busy this time of the year.
took carrie to columbus last monday, the biopsy came back benign, which is a good thing, but the doctor says he wants to find out why these 3 bones in her wrist are DYING, before taking the drastic step of removing the bones. she was so upset when we left columbus, she just wished they would cut both hands off, so she would have no more pain. although that is quite extreme, i understand her frustration. because she is young, the doctors would like to have all the answers before taking this extreme step. we go back again this coming monday (6th) to get results of blood tests and to have stitches removed from biopsy.
OK - phyldot hates my pic on my profile, and i tried to change it last night, and with all my brain damage, i have forgotten how to do it already. so sorry phyl...like it or lump it for now. hee hee.
the "gang" all went to dinner for donald's 51st birthday last night, at where else...Steve's West Texas Roadhouse. some things just never change. phyldot is currently hobbling around, with a bad hip (i think it stems from the cervical surgery.)
read all the blogs posted from slyghts former coworker (oops, don't know his name but blog is "bikerless"). seems like a cool character. glad to see he hated india as much as everyone else. at least he found salvation and returned home -- POOR SLYGHT.
will add more later, have to get ready for work. have a good day all!!
Open Thread March 5 2025
19 hours ago
okay go ahead and blame me for taking off "the picture". just kidding i really did like that picture of you even if you do look like roger tiptons wife....what can i say?????never listen to me...talked to your "baby" last night and he is waiting on his package from us...he is such a sweetie...call me!!! love phyldot
You must not be that busy based on the comment you left on my last post...
BTW - you did a great job raising that son of your's...
wouldn't there be another name for the surgery. isn't cervical, having to do with the cervix? yikes
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