This Jason Mattera, by throwing out the words "jungle gyms" and "monkey bars" tries to put a spin on the health care reform bill - that does not exist. The only intention that he is spreading (which is consistent with the GnOP'ers) that wellness and prevention are totally unacceptable. Then the little fukktard tries to press the issue of breast feeding during work hours, requiring the "breast feeding police" - as spelled out in the bill. Again, a complete falsehood - and a slap in the face to nursing mothers from a punk ass upstart.
By the way - back to jungle gyms....are they the product of a Marxist or Nazi who desires the demise of the American people? These dangerous steel structures that have adorned the playgrounds of schools for many generations are now considered to be bad, by the Conservatives. All righty then.....(scratching my head)!!!!!!!
Leave it to this young man to think he even had a chance facing Al Franken - the phrase "bringing a knife to a gunfight" comes to mind. Hey Mattera - you are a losr, get back in your kiddie car and head home.
Enjoy the day, because this idiot has totally pissed me off. Go Al Franken - maintain the stance of standing up for what is right.

You go girl! We're all getting a little tired of this crap!
"Jungle" gyms and "monkey" bars, just more dog whistle shout outs to the racist Tea Bagger base. God, you can see through them like grandma's old underpants.
Franken, at one point, is obviously completely fed up with Mattera - the "shut up" line is highlight all across the conservative blogosphere as the penultimate signifier that he is unhinged and can't hack taking Jason's question - but check out my post on this for my take. And for the record, I'm hoping Franken's staffer got a royal ass reaming for putting his hands on Mattera. Not only does that create the illusion of trying to censor someone, but it's just bad form to begin with - even if you're facing a mental midget.
God, I wish more progressives would fight back against these snotty little punks. Go Al!
The video wouldn't load. Any conservative trying to engage Al Franken would be worth watching. I think of the phrase "a battle of wits with an unarmed man". Al is my hero!!!!
don't know if you've seen this image, but i figured you might like it.
Well.... there were a lot of monkey bars and jungle gyms in the concentration camps.
Maybe this little twerp should read up on the long term health benefits of breast feeding. You know someone as immature as this would probably turn beet red and run screaming away if he saw a woman breastfeeding. It's surely something dirty and embarrassing in his adolescent world. Franken knew exacty where to go too by challenging his language and saying show me where it says jungle gyms. And if anyone was still in doubt as to the punk's real message, he confirmed it when he threw in the phrase monkey bars. Nice overture to racist toothless teabaggers junior.
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