Now this bimbo is suing E-Trade for apparently "using her name" to further their product, without HER PERMISSION. WTF...she is actually extolling that her name "LYNDSAY" is right up there with Madonna and Oprah. Again, can anyone tell me the last time (or the first for that matter) when LL used only her first name as a promotion - for anything???? Good grief!
Excuse me little girl...get a firm grip on your ears, and pull your head out of your ass....YOU ARE NOBODY. The little lazy ass is seeking $100 MILLION for this intrusion in her life.
Personally, I enjoy the E-Trade commercials with the infants - and have yet, to this date, even remotely connected one of these children with a famous person. I abhor the fact that some people file such frivolous claims and tie up the court system, which cost us, the taxpayers, in the long run. There are definitely more important issues to be dealt with in this world than such trite garbage as this.
Now, I also read about a gentleman who passed away in June '09, and was still being billed for monthly service from Verizon. Apparently, being presented with his death certificate was not good enough to cease this service - the company wanted his PIN (personal identification number). Considering our PIN's are supposed to be private, I believe the nitwit lady at Verizon, that the daughter had to deal with, should have been SHOT! This dolt was laughing as she ended one conversation with the grieving daughter - and has since been dealt with by her superiors.
The situation has been settled, but does give many some food for thought - as how to deal with similar situations upon our demise. My kids know most of my passwords and my PIN's usually stay the same, but I can understand where some people hold these numbers closer to their vest. Just a goofy thought running through my head.
I started my tanning today - a whopping FOUR minutes in the bed. As I have stated, I have no vices left - so let me enjoy my tan and possible melanoma....LOL.
This has been a day from hell, and my desk (kitchen table) definitely reflects the chaos that ensued. Tomorrow is tanning at 8:30 am, off to Cardiac Rehab at 10:30 am....then nose to the grindstone and tax return time for the remainder of the day.
Catch y'all.............later..............I have important events to attend to.....

Seriously she's suing for using the name Lindsay? I work with college students and can tell you about 37% of the women are named Lindsay.
I still get mail for my Dad, and he's been dead 11 years.
Isn't "low hand" a slang term for some sort of sexual activity?
I'm there for the vibrator race..too funny!
Like the vibrator race.
As for Lyndsay Lohan, who gives a shit!!
Just when I thought she had run out of reasons for me to make fun of her. She is just a train wreck. Cory Haim died today so maybe she will be one of the next two to go since these things do happen in threes.
Maybe Verizon's "Largest Nationwide 3G Network" encompasses Heaven (or Hell). I'll have to look at my Verizon contract to see.
Maybe Verizon's "Largest Nationwide 3G Network" encompasses Heaven (or Hell)? I'll have to check my Verizon contract.
Dang!! Does tha mean I get to sue Morris for using the name Cat?
When I saw that commercial I just LAUGHED and never even thought of Lindsay Lohan...
she is such a PITA>
You must be joking about the Lindsay lawsuit. Wait....checking the Google machine. Nope, it's a real story. Like everyone else on the planet other than Ms. Lohan, I never thought of Lindsay Lohan when I was laughing my ass off over that commercial. Is it possible Etrade paid her to file this suit in order to get more publicity? :-) If you search imdb.com for "Lindsay" it returns several hits, none of which are Lohan. You have to put her whole name in to bring her listing up. She's an idiot.
I've seen that commercial too and LMAO, never once thinking about LL. She is a twit.
I have the urge to build a tiny vibrator run now.
She WISHES the ad made anybody think of her. I certainly didn't!
Enjoy your tanning. I always look better with a tan myself. And yes, I know it's bad for us but I am enjoying a nice glass of wine right now and I'm not supposed to drink as it is a risk factor for oral cancer, which I had 5 years ago. Life is too short to not enjoy what we want to enjoy.
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