Theson is currently in Myrtle Beach, NC., with his buddies for a bachelor party, and will be heading to Trinidad, on Tuesday. This is going to be a whirlwind few days for him, as I will pick him up in Columbus on Monday evening, maybe get home 9-10pm., do all his laundry and pack - then head to the airport Tuesday morning for his flight. I am not even going anywhere and that will wear me out!! Plus the fact that he will be in the Caribbean area - AND I WON'T! He will be close to Venezuela, so he will have to watch out for Cesar Chavez and his communist cronies (can you tell I can't stand the a**hole?) HAHA!
I don't have too many details yet as to how long he will be there - so will add more on that later. He will miss thegrandsons birthday, so we will be sad as will thegrandson. He won't even get to enjoy his new truck either. I will have to finalize the title and license transfers while he is gone. Mother's work is never done!! But I'd do anything for him and he knows that!
I will give more details later - so again - stay healthy and TTFN.
Open Thread March 5 2025
13 hours ago