Despite the nerves, the jumpy stomach, and potential heart attack - she did it!! She now has a beautiful tattoo on her right ankle (will post a pic later), and to quote Mom2 her husband "will never see it!" The whole procedure lasted about 25 minutes and she didn't even come close to passing out - I am so proud of her. So proud in fact, that I think by next summer she just may get that BATTLESHIP on her chest. I can't say enough about the guys at HOT ROD TATTOO in Martins Ferry. Ohio. To put up with two crazy old broads like us takes guts. When we are together, we create an atmosphere so comical, people sometimes pee their pants. That is why the cruise will be such a blast. I have said it before - we are equal opportunity blasters. We pick on one person as well as we do the next. A merciless pair are we!
Well, gotta run - clients coming to pick up tax returns and have to squeeze in a run to Staples to get last minute supplies. Oh - can't forget tanning session.
EVeryone stay healthy. TTFN - 51 days to the tropics!
Open Thread March 5 2025
18 hours ago
1 comment:
hello want to see if this works
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