This is a stunt pulled in foreign countries and I find it hardly acceptable here in the US. This past week we have heard how the extreme right wingers have jumped the bandwagon in declaring Nidal Hassan a "terrorist" - long before ALL the facts have been uncovered. I state here and now - that burning someone in effigy is a TERRORIST ACT.
Where do these idiots draw the line? If a Democrat walks by, are they going to soak them in gasoline and set fire to them? They can pop off all they want about "freedom", but they are the ones infringing on the Constitution and freedom of others.
Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that these right wingnuts are intellectually lazy and find it more beneficial to just lie and distort the facts for their own purposes. Just try having an intelligent conversation with one of these people...there is no give or even a hint of wavering. New facts or data mean absolutely nothing to these people.
"Have you read the bill?" I ask ever so nicely. "Well no, but my representative says...blah, blah, blah!" the ability to learn for oneself is far too much to ask of these people.
If I hear one more time that the Dems aren't practicing bipartisanship - I may just slip a disk. C'mon, welcome to the real world. The Republicans have put up a brick wall, offered no bipartisanship, been the obstructionist party on each and every proposal. I don't foresee a change in that area any time soon.
At one time I may have been worried about the GOP, but at the present time - I AM NOT!! This party is on the path of destruction - and it is all from within their party. The idols of the party, pretty much speak for themselves. The Palin's, Bachmann's, Foxx's, King's, McCain's, etc....Collectively, I'm not sure that as a whole this group could compile an entire brain!
With this group declaring that today is going to be the day of the Pelosi effigy burning, I have to wonder what's next. Possibly we will see people being tarred and feathered, as in the past.
This group needs to learn that THEY have to open their minds, quit being the defiant ones and work as a whole to improve our lives. Until that time, they will remain the party of DUMB.
The progressives are not the "haters" in this would be the obstinate rethugs. This is what truly gets under my skin, and bringing the act of burning a person in effigy is, as I stated before, an act of terrorism, and I do not and never will, condone such an act.

And that's all I have to say about THAT!! Have a good one.....later...........

morons, every last one of 'em! I know a few people I'd like to punch in the mouth...
If I hear one more time that the Dems aren't practicing bipartisanship - I may just slip a disk.
Me too. You cannot be bipartisan with people who refuse to negotiate in good faith.
"I have come to the conclusion that these right wingnuts are intellectually lazy and find it more beneficial to just lie and distort the facts
That's because the facts do not support their positions. Lying and distortion are the only options left to them.
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