Anyone remember the Cliff Notes of old? My opinion is that a version needs to be written, and it wouldn't need to kill too many trees for publication either. Palin's "life story" or memoirs cannot take up that many pages, unless one colorfully doctors and interprets the words given. (As if that would ever happen!)
I stated on this blog a few weeks back, about the homophobe Lynn Vincent, who was contracted to author this book - and now other venues have jumped on that same bandwagon, by exposing her past works and how she perpetuates this homophobic thought throughout other works.
With all these bits and pieces being aired prior to the official release of this book - it is apparent that SP has put her SPIN on the truth....again! John McCain's aides, who have been literally ripped to shreds by Caribou Barbie, are fighting back on her distortions and lies.
I have no intentions of purchasing or reading this book at all. I believe we saw her ineptitude and ignorance on the campaign trail last fall - that was more than enough for me. Also, I don't think I could live with myself knowing that I, in some way, managed to put $$$ in her pockets!
All the news outlets are having a great time with this venture of hers, and possibly believe that she is actually a qualified candidate in future Pres/VP elections. I think not. She hasn't grown a bigger brain or honest knowledge of world affairs or even the affairs of this nation, since that time.
I'm am always amazed at those who think she is the "next best thing since sliced bread." My words of wisdom to those sycophants......keep it up! Back her through any and all elections, because it makes a democratic win so much easier.
I apologize for being absent these past few days. Being the nibshot that I am, I just had to stalk the movie crews and get some pics and videos. The downside to all this, was that there was NO ONE to do the housework during that time. So I have been catching up on the laundry, dusting, and even washed some walls yesterday. (If anyone has seen the floor scrubbing fairy...let me know!)
I have read everyone's blogs on my Google Reader, but there are so many, I did not leave any comments. Hopefully I will be all caught up very soon. Please, please, bear with me! It truly amazes me how far behind I get on everything - just because I wanted to go out and play for a little while.....curses!!!
Theson is now in Jordan, and will be home on the 28th, so I have to get his room cleaned and organized...and I actually want to start putting up some Christmas stuff, so I can have time to enjoy it all. I have brought my snowmen up from the basement, and will be placing them around the house in the next couple of days, so I will just do all this in baby steps.
Time to check homework and plan something for dinner...damn, my work is NEVER done!!
Have a good one and I shall return..........later..................

I missed Oprah today, Damn!!
I went away for 2 days last week and missed SO MUCH! It took me a week to read up cuz so much happened that weekend! I thought once I started this blog and deleted my home and family blog I would have more free time, NO such luck! I'm ready to decorate for Christmas too but this year will be nice cuz I won't have to post pictures on the old blog! YAY!!
The Minneapolis Star Tribune did a nice piece of fact checking her book. To say she put her own spin on things is an understatement. She's a nut bag.
Slate also has some choice words for her book - and on Huffpo - David Brookes that turd - also calls Palin insane and a non-entity. I say keep her out there as long as it takes. It will ensure a second term for Obama.
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