Firstly, this book has not even been released and has managed to garner the #1 position on "best seller lists." That's all well and good - but...SHE DIDN'T WRITE THE DAMN THING!
For those of us who have either heard partial or full statements from this woman, we realize that everything that comes out of her mouth is tantamount to a word salad. The thought that Palin has the wherewithal or intelligence to even put pen to paper boggles the mind.

Vincent co-wrote "Donkey Cons" with one Robert Stacy McCain. This book was a look into the Democratic party and the attempt to link the elections of FDR, Truman and Kennedy - to organized crime. **Isn't the Washington Times (McCain's former employer) owned by that Korean god wannabe Rev. Sun Myung Moon? Just asking.
Be that as it may, McCain once wrote an e-mail, which was eventually posted online by a receptionist, which showed his racial bias.
"The media now force interracial images into the public mind and a number of perfectly rational people react to these images with an altogether natural revulsion. The white person who does not mind transacting business with a black bank clerk, may yet be averse to accepting the clerk as his sister-in-law, and this is not racism, no matter what Madison Avenue, Hollywood and Washington tell us."
Although this may be considered a "private" thought of McCain's (but he did put it out on the interwebs), what he states publicly is far different, i.e., "slaves and whites in the Old South had 'cordial and affectionate relations.'" Now which is he, a hypocrite or racist...or both?
Vincent also ghost wrote a memoir for Lt. Gen. William G. "Jerry" Boykin - the former head of the Army's Special Forces Command. This man honestly thought his job was to "defeat Satan for the Christian nation of America." That would be the whack job!
Vincent appears to have a great deal of experience in relating the thoughts of the religious fanatics and pompous racist asses. When she was webmaster at World Mag Blog, she routinely approved homophobic comments on that site.
During Vincent's initial meeting and interview with SP, Palin made the following statement, as to why she didn't choose a bigger name to write this book.
"If I'd wanted a company man, I'd have hired one. Lindsey (Robert Lindsey) would have given his left nut - excuse my French - to be sitting in that chair. But I want someone who gets it. Who gets that abortion kills more people in this country than cancer, who gets that the Bible is history, that we didn't just tumble out of the trees and start walking upright. I wanted someone, Lynn, who gets that God isn't the spare tire. He's the steering wheel."
Apparently Vincent's response was "wait a second, have you been reading the inspirational quotes on my blog?" Good grief!
Palin also stated during this meeting that "I dream that all of my children will someday be able to walk the streets of this land without fear in their hearts. In my America, the one I hope to build, I honestly believe that could happen." DUH...this coming from the war and fearmongerer herself!
Considering the bar was lowered so drastically for her national debut in August '08 - she can only improve....I guess.
Apparently there is a lot of money to be made from the lunatic fringes of American society, if one tells them what they want to hear!!!
So...Palin as a best-selling author....I THINK NOT!!!

If Sarah Palin is a best-selling author, I'm an NFL all-star after watching several games yesterday.
Palin just bores the hell out of me. Didn't anyone learn that letting the village idiot lead (under GWB) was a bad thing?
The Tundra Twat is a best selling author in her own mind. Well, that and the RNC bought about a million copies to give to their remaining followers. You heard about The Nation writing "Going Rouge" (also coming out on November 17th) - $10 says 9 out of 10 Republicans buy the wrong book! bwahahahaha!
The Tundra Twat is even better than Bible Spice as a name for her.
When I first saw Beck's book cover the other week, my first thought was, "Why is he wearing a Soviet Union officer's uniform??" Maybe that shows where his head is at!!
McCain's family has a long history as plantation owners in Mississippi. Nuff said!!
holy shit!...that woman wrankles me in ways I have never been wranked before...bip bip..and Beck makes my skin crawl.
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