On average, I have spent at least five hours a day, trying to get some good shots of all the action scenes. Not being naive to this process, I realize that a good portion of what is being filmed here in our fair burg, will be left on the cutting room floor. I'm just "into" the mechanics and mundane.
The upside to having these film people in town, is that I get to leave the house with a purpose. I have almost become a hermit over the past two years, and to be honest, the fresh air was great. I know my computer probably enjoyed the break. (I know the family did)!
Of course, all this doesn't mean I haven't received my daily dose of "goings on" in the world. I would have preferred to MISS Carrie Prejean and her Christian snootiness. Apparently it was just fine to go on Hannity and bare her soul and exhort her mea culpas - for the masturbating video she sent to a former boyfriend, but when confronted by Larry King - she told this icon that he was being "inappropriate" and proceeded to end the interview. Where does one go with this woman, in a discussion? I would prefer to head to the nearest bathroom and barf!!
Honestly, I've not missed a damn thing news-wise and rest assured, my opinion will be expressed as soon as I am done stalking. On Wednesday, I got into a political discussion with a client while waiting for a scene to be shot. All was going well till she said "you know why I don't like Obama?" (dumbfounded look on my face). "Because he never proved he was an American citizen." Whoa!!! I essentially told her "I'm not going there!" As much as I would like to have sent her shriveled, wrinkled body flying - I just walked away. (It's never a good thing to piss off a client!)
With that note - I am curious if she has read that Orly Taitz will probably lose her law license because she lied and manipulated the courts and witnesses???
Enough of that for now.....watch this clip I filmed yesterday. This scene shows the train coming into town, and Denzel Washington's double running across the tops of the train cars - and the helicopters flying so low over the train - AWESOME!!
Train Scene - Watch more Funny Videos
I have to run - heading to Fedex to straighten out some paper work on getting theson's belongings back in this country - then back to town with camera in hand.
Have a great day!! Later..........................

1 comment:
Well, it sounds like somebody has a life. I'm still lurking in my cave writing my life away. But I have missed you.
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