Actually I wasn't even going to post about this FAIL in Maine, but when perusing the "comments" section, I ran across this....hold on to your hats, it's a doozey!!
"The only problem I have with repealing gay marriage is that it propagates gayness. Let me explain. Homos claim they are born being gay, so that means it is genetic, and heritable. In biological terms homo genes are a defect, an evolutionary dead end. If we discourage gayness, then homos are more likely to marry hetero and breed and pass on their homo genes. Well, if we encourage gayness, people with the homo genes will be more likely to stick with other homos and less likely to breed and pass on their defective homo genes. If we encourage gayness, evolution will naturally eliminate the defective gay genes from the population and then the gay epidemic problem in this country will be much smaller. Just by being homos, homos will eliminate themselves. I say by all means we should encourage them to eliminate themselves. "
Now, for anyone who may have had doubts about the "GAY GENE", this pretty well sums it up, or NOT!! The ignorance abounds in this country and this dumb ass isn't afraid of putting their stupid thoughts in writing.
What are these homophobes afraid of? The so-called Religious Right, is so wrapped up in their own selfish agenda, they have no room in their minds for love and fairness for their fellow man. The concept of free-thinking is foreign in their world. At one time I was amazed that these people could be so easily influenced by lies and distortions of fact - but now it has become commonplace. We see it daily with the influence that FAUX NOISE has on the brain dead.
Well the GOP is managing to carry the banner of OBSTRUCTIONISM rather well. The fact is, since Obama took office, the GOP has blocked and stalled important legislation for the working man. This is all for publicity sake, no doubt. There are thousands of unemployed who have exhausted their benefits, and the rethugs have manipulated the legislative process to keep this bill on hold.
I should hope that those who are now without any income, realize who is to blame in this mess. The democrats caved and allowed for additional tax cuts within this bill to appease these fukktards - and they still want to drag their feet. My heart breaks, thinking of these people, and their dread facing the upcoming holidays. The Congress and Senate people will be shopping and spending time with their families - while these many, may be facing foreclosure, homelessness and yes, possibly suicide.
Yes, they are obstructionists in every sense of the word. Obama has tried reasoning and bipartisanship...but who are the ones unwilling to reach across the aisle here? We know that answer well.

As for the EIGHT bills Boehner says the GOP has on health reform....fuggedaboutit!! For all the show and pretense of these morons...it is a rip-off on pre-existing conditions. The people would be short changed miserably, but the insurance companies would still be free to reap their massive profits AT YOUR EXPENSE!
I believe he has had an uphill battle these past 10 months (since inauguration), but has remained non-plussed and dedicated. Am I 100% happy with everything - NO! But that is democracy. No one will ever be truly happy with every decision made, but I would say I am 90% satisfied. I believe he has to get more firm in his stances and quit trying to appease the unappeasable.
One more thing, because I keep forgetting to post this thought....Michelle Bachmann!! She is "organizing" a health reform protest tomorrow in D.C. and wants all the protesters to "walk the halls of Congress" and look each representative in the eye and tell them they don't want this plan. And dumb fuck Hannity wants to be there to see "democracy at work in the U.S."
This could be interesting - seeing if D.C. security has the guts to allow thousands (cough) get through security and then just "walk the halls." All it takes is one of the whackos to slip a gun through security (not totally unimaginable) and go postal in the House of Congress. This just boggles the mind.
As for Bachmann - since she has perpetuated her thoughts of NOT filling out the census forms in April - I say to everyone in her district - PLEASE FOLLOW HER LEAD - DO NOT FILE YOUR CENSUS FORMS! that's one sure way to eliminate her district and her job! OMG that would be terrific.
OK, I've bored you enough with my blathering....I am sneezing like crazy and have a snot filled head (sorry for the visual), and thegrandson now has a massive ear infection and still home from school. I have been told I am not high risk enough for the H1N1 shot - which is no problem, because there isn't any vaccines here at the moment. So if I die - just throw my body in the nearest pig sty!!!
(hmmm. spell check doesn't recognize "asswipes.") I'm shocked. LOL
Great rant.. I love it.. and think you are spot on.. You really hit the points that are a bone of contention with most everyone I believe.. keep it up.. everyone needs to hear these things and know exactly what the ignorant are saying and doing to us all.
Equal justice for all will depend entirely on attrition, and since the propaganda machine won't go away, it's gonna take a hundred years for the equal justice movement to prevail, if then...
You have far too much "faith" in the fairness or justice of the Average Murkin...
Great post. One thing I do want to point out though, is in my humble opinion, basic human rights should not be legislated by "democracy." To your point, there are too many outside interests that get involved, and there are also too many narrow-minded bigots who vote. Gay marriage should be decided ultimately by a Supreme Court decision to ensure that ALL Americans get equal rights despite the voters, not as a result of their votes. Rights should not be up for a majority rule.
Of course at the moment that Supreme Court ruling would not necessarily be in favor of gay marriage so best to wait a little longer on that...
I am suddenly jealous of spellchecker because I, too, would like to not recognize asswipes.
OMG, that comment is mind-blowingly stupid. Do you suppose the author also believes in religious programs designed to help the gay person "pray the ghey away"? Wouldn't surprise me if the author wasn't one of those who believes in a "gay gene" and that "being gay is a choice" at the same time.
It could just be me, but I seem to whiff some latency there.
Check out the real "Defense of Marriage Act" that all wingnuts who really want to save marriage should support. After all, many more marriages are destroyed by divorce than are destroyed by gayness.
From my logical view point, everything we are and do is based on some level of choice. Some influences are internal and some external. Now some medical conditions are a result of some gene malfunction. So, to say that some people have a gay gene is about as ludacris as saying it is a medical condition due to a malfunctioning gene. I don't buy it and never will. So I support gay marriage as much as I do hetro. Whether they last is based on the individuals and not some preconcieved condition or gene.
Speaking of Health Reform protest, We have our own issue brewing here in Nort Cacalacky with Rep Virginia Foxx comparing an attempt at fixing our broken health care system as worse than terrorists. WTF
You keep cookin' honey! Well said! Agreeing with ya down the road...
Thank you. I have a flame thrower for a mouth today and have uttered just about every obscenity known to man about Jesus lovers and their Republican friends. Makes me CRAZY!!
The Gub-mint needs to get out of the marriage business and leave it to the bible-bangers who claim to have invented it (even tho it is a fairly recent thing, historically speaking, for the peasants). What we need is a system that will provide the same rights and benefits that marriage now gives couples and have it apply equally to all couples gay or straight. There are a few countries that have something like that in place now.
But I've seen gay jeans. They're made by designers and very expensive! ;-)
Marie - spot on! Great rant - Boner, Bachmann, et al have a special place in hell reserved just for them!
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