This article on the passing of the inventor of the Pringle's can, is a trip. Now, had I known that this option was available, I might have considered multiple Pringle's cans to have my husbands ashes buried in, as opposed to the $500+ urn I selected. The HIGH cost of funerals has gotten way out of hand anyway, but maybe since I am not a famous individual, they will find a reason as to why I cannot utilize home packaging materials!
We have been having a slight heat wave of late, and I always hesitate turning on the AC, because I also hate to donate to the Public Utilities coffer. I finally caved in yesterday, and of course, the AC unit is not cooling. Last summer, I had to get the unit charged, and the repairman said then that I must have a pinhole leak in the copper tubing somewhere, but he didn't have time to check then. That charge lasted the entire summer cooling season, so I didn't worry anymore. Well, the repairman just left here, $131 richer, and he found TWO cracked places in the tubing and silver soldered the hell out of them, so I should be "good to go" for quite some time.
Today is the last day of school for thegrandson, and it is going to be close to 80 degrees - and he chose to wear sweat pants and a long sleeved shirt. HE IS SOOOO NOT NORMAL! I went through his clothes last week and sorted out all the "cold" weather clothes, and somehow he robbed that pile to get dressed today. I guarantee that after these clothes hit the washing machine - they will disappear for another summer season. This amazes me as he is almost a fashionista, in having matching socks, shirts to pants, etc.
I am also trying to get up the energy and fortitude to tackle the task of cleaning the basement "netherworld." As I have said before - all the "not sure where to put it" items end up in the BASEMENT! Since the AC repairman had to enter that world - I was slightly embarrassed - so I must begin this project.
Well, I have to go pay the grass cutter now and sweep the sidewalks so till later...
Everyone stay well and TTFN.
Open Thread March 5 2025
18 hours ago
Our a/c has went out twice since Chi Chi died. Both times, I prayed to her and it came back on. You can use her for your own a/c needs also.
It's a good thing we don't have a basement because I'd just have even more crap around here!
I hate the AC too, but not because of the bills. I just get TOO cold. I prefer open windows and ceiling fan. Until the Evil Twin gets home and insists on turning on the AC.
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