Since we are having an unusually HOT spell (and summer isn't even here yet)...thegrandson has been going next door to the neighbors POOL!! He wants his own pool so bad, but we have tried the blow-ups, self-rising sided one and because of the uneven ground in my backyard, they all seem to fail. Therefore, my ingenious neighbor brought out the BINS for his little girl and thegrandson to utilize to bear this heat. I think it is hilarious. He made the comment, "you'd think we were from West Virginia, and I assured him, "Yes, I am! Works for me!!" I'm all for improvising.
The neighbor said they went online and found a place that would install (with deck) a 15' round pool for $600. I find that shocking. When I priced pools, with decking (which are metal and small), I was finding $3000 prices. I have plenty of room to have a pool, but with the prohibitive cost and I would surely be the one to maintain it, I still am not sure. Although thegrandson could be a little fish if we did have one. I still have to think this one over. But until that time, break out the storage bins and fill them with water!!! We will give him straws to use for snorkeling.
Thegrandson is supposed to have a double-header today, one at noon and the other at 3 pm...but since it is soooo hot (89 degrees and rising) I am only letting him play the 3 o'clock game. He is not upset at all. Then we have a game Sunday and Monday also, and hopefully that is the end of the season - finishing with a pool party next Saturday at the coach's house.
More later...stay healthy and TTFN.
i see... black trans am iroc-z, gold eagle on the hood, and winger blasting from the speakers.
HUH?!?!?! Have you lost your mind? Not sure what you are rambling on about.
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