There has been a video running around the internet and on all the major news outlets, of a gang of teenage girls beating up one of their "friends." Two young men were also arrested (along with 6 girls), as they were the official "look-outs." I have listened to all the various opinions of this situation and feel slightly different than what I have heard. Psychologists, psychiatrists, child advocates, all seem to blame "technology." The trend should now turn to censorship for our youth, of internet capabilities.
I have never considered myself "old fashioned" but I blame the entire situation on LACK OF DISCIPLINE! When I was growing up, our teachers had us for 8 waking hours of the day - our parents maybe 3-4. We learned fear and respect in schools because our teachers had total control over us. Teachers today are basically high paid babysitters and should probably even get hazard pay for what they have to endure. Teachers can no longer use "corporal" punishment (as in paddling) or they will face the wrath of the ACLU. These parents who say they have never even smacked a child on their butt, and have tried all the "time outs" and "hugging" therapy, will soon reap their rewards.
Not once during all the roundtable discussions on this beating - did anyone place the blame in the home. All the blame was placed on the internet and access to all it has to offer. Considering this beating began because of a "posting" (nasty comments on friends) on myspace...the retaliatory stance from those affected was to make a video and then post it online as well. Wow, this could continue ad nauseum.
I still feel that discipline needs to return to the schools - kids of all ages need to realize that there are consequences for their things stand now, these kids know that mom and dad will bail them out of their messes and they will continue their same patterns.
That is my opinion and I stand by it. I am tired of the kids feeling that the world OWES them a living or anything else without honestly EARNING their way in the world.
Have a great day...I have waaaay too much to accomplish today and not enough hours. (I'm praying for rain to cancel out ball practice to free up some time...mean grandma!)
Open Thread March 5 2025
19 hours ago
I'm totally with you on this one!
I'm with you completely. As the mum of a 7 year old, I am appalled that THIS could be 'normal'.
I can not imagine it.
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