I took a break from tax returns, clients, sick grandson and did something for ME! Check this out - who cares that "60" is around the corner - I'm cool! I have wanted some colored "chunks" in my hair for awhile, but last year the stylist rather inferred I was "too old" for the look, and I went with her decision. Oh hell, I decided to do it my way this time and I love it, actually I would be happier had she put the chunks of color all over - she only did the top of my hair. No problem, I will have her rectify that in about 6 weeks. But I do love the look. My daughters are pretty happy with it also.
Thegrandson is still rashy and scaly. Our family doctor is now sending us to a dermatologist - and thedaughters health coverage does not cover this doctor - so I will be paying for these trips. Thegrandson has been having increasing pain in his legs and arms and this is just being brushed off. HEALTH CARE IN THIS COUNTRY SUCKS!! BIG TIME!! Doctors do not care about individuals...just payments. I am really fed up with the whole situation.
This is just a quickie (such is my life), heading for bed - tons of work tomorrow. Everyone take care and TTFN.
btw, you ARE coming to egypt, i'm just not sure if i can get you a business class ticket. do you think you could handle an 8+ hour flight in economy? we'll talk about it. love ya.
i like your hair, i forgot to say that.
Love the hair! Love it, love it, love it!
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