I took this picture last Thursday of thegrandson, as he came to me in the kitchen, saying "I'm ready for school." Of course he is...everyone wears their gloves on their FEET!!!

But THIS....is our latest ongoing project. Looks like the real thing, huh??? Nope, just a simple cut-out. As part of an insurance promotion it was included in the local newspaper, and I chose to cut it out, and place it around the house - to SPY on everyone.
Thegrandson has had a blast, placing it on his mom's bed, on the nightstand, bathroom counter, etc...., all the while singing "Somebody's Watching Me!"
I have to go in town later, but thedaughter just called me and said that the FILMING of the movie Unstoppable, has begun. According to her, there are MANY police cars with lights on - but not those belonging to this town....they are for the film.
Apparently, we won't be extras, as no one has called...we must be just too old and fat for the celluloid!! Oh well, I'm determined to get in town later this evening also, to get some pictures. Efforts are being made to see if Denzel Washington will visit my quadriplegic friend....I may HAVE to visit at that time as well.
The upside is the brief economic boost to our cash poor town. Filming was pushed back a week, because of bad weather in the Pittsburgh area which caused some delays.
Years ago, while theson was attending Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, the movie "Air Force One", was shooting some scenes on their campus. I will have to have theson recall the events of that time, as he and his buddies managed to cause some headaches during the shooting there. As a note, the opening scene to that movie, was all that was filmed there. I believe it is the Library building that the parachutists land on, in the opening scenes.
Well, time to get thegrandson off to school, and I may try to grab a little more sleep, then begin to plot my strategy of getting into town. I'm sure I will be back later today, so have a great one all.

Ha!! My kids cut out the Geici eyes, too!!!!!
Sorry you won't be in the film.....
Love the gloves!
I think "glove socks" is, as an old professor used to say, "an idea that has legs."
If some pile of money starts watching me, I'm spending it!
Denzel!!! Oh, I look forward to hearing more about that. Oh, yes, I do.
All they left me was the eye balls. Someone took the money. I think the insurance company thought it was part of their stimulus plan and payed the CEO a bonus...
The foot gloves are a hoot!
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