Imagine that, more videos have surfaced that are not (my assumption) of the quality to be shown in church. And this nimrod had the nerve to say on national TV, that the one video was "the one biggest mistake of my life." Caught ya - didn't they?????
In her newly released book Carrie wrote, “God gave us our bodies, and it’s perfectly right that we use them in ways where we can give glory to God by making our bodies, our temples of the Holy Spirit, strong and fast.”
I would love to know if Prejean came up with this quote on her own, or was spoon fed the dictation from her religious icons and/or Sarah Palin (now that they are best buds). My money is on Palin, as that is one word salad I would not like to hear again.
Her little vanity act on Larry King the other night was probably one of the biggest jokes I have ever seen. She literally dissed LK, when asked fairly innocuous questions, by telling LK he was being "inappropriate!" WTF is up with that. there was nothing inappropriate whatsoever - she bared all to Sean Hannity the night before on his show - oh I forgot, they are both dimwits and have a bond. Silly me.
Theson, on his weekly Past the Velvet Rope post, has also REJECTED Prejean. Theson is so intuitive. How ironic, that Hannity was rejected as well. No surprise there.
On my Caturday post, I added the video of the Miss South Carolina Teen 2007...and like Prejean, she probably will be in future pageants....and no doubt will not have gained any NEW brain cells by that time. I give these beauty pageant contestants very little thought, as most prove to be either very shallow or dumb...or both!
OK Carrie is time for you to fade away and stop pretending to be something you are not! I have had enough of your fake sanctimonious attitude.

This chick completely makes me want to lose my lunch. I saw part of the LK "interview" and had to turn it because her assholery was getting to me.
I hope this idiot doesn't screw up the porn industry.
Little Miss Jesus Boobies tapes herself riding a sex toy to oblivion, sends it over phone lines to her boyfriend, and she's calling Larry King inappropriate?
Their hypocrisy is astounding, but not nearly as amazing as their ability to swallow their own bullshit.
Did ya hear? There are at least 30 more 'nudie' pics and 8 more masturbation tapes! Bwahahaha - keep 'em coming little miss hot pants!
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