Now how long do you think it will be before Bachmann makes THAT APOLOGY????? Can you actually see that happening? Honestly, because of her mental insufficiency's - she will still be smiling tomorrow, whilst reading up on her Book of Creationism - and feel she owes NO ONE an apology.
Her phones, fax machines and e-mails should be piling up with angry responses from FREEDOM LOVING AMERICANS. Democrats, Independents, Republicans (who disagree with this woman) alike, should be standing up to her once and for all. this woman has expressed, many times over the past week, that only the teabaggers and other brain dead asswipes (her followers), were freedom loving she/they have a corner on that market. I think not!
If anyone's interested, here are Bachmann's listings.
Congress office: 202-225-2331
Fax: 202-225-6475
There may be a silver lining to the cloud, as I have read there are two Dems lining up in the wings to vie for her seat next year. I have no problem with a sane Republican challenging this loon.
I honestly believe that Bachmann has higher aspirations in the political arena. Like Caribou Barbie - moving into the Oval Office. I would then have to give serious thought to moving to the Caribbean - forever.
Have a great evening or bedtime............Caturday tomorrow!!!

that woman is a dispicable piece of monkey shit and I won't hold my breath waiting for an apology.
It will be a cold day in hell before we hear an apology from Bachmann. I'm surprised that she can sleep at night. But i guess they make a pill for that. To bad it isn't and anti-douche pill. Can a woman be a douche and use one?
I wish she'd just aspire to be a regular human being.
Aspirations for the Oval Office? Mom, if this nightmare were to occur, it would be "dayoooooo, dayoooo, daylight come and me want to go home" for jaded. I will be on the same boat as you.
Sue, I have never been over to your blog, but as soon as I post this comment, I will be over. My favorite description of this cretin, ever...yours..."dispicable piece of monkey shit..." I ditto that in spades!
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