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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Takes awhile...

Although I got home from Egypt late last Saturday night, it has taken awhile for me to re-acclimate myself. I am not getting enough sleep that is for sure - and I am tired as all get-out!

I have to tell everyone and anyone who may read this blog...I HAVE THE BEST SON IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE! He could not have treated me any better during my visit - the proverbial super host. I will never have a Mother's Day present as wonderful as this trip!

Is this not the most awesome view of a World Wonder? Unfortunately, Cairo rates in the top 10 cities as to being the "smoggiest!" I don't think they have ever seen a CLEAR day. This picture was taken from atop The Citadel. I also took a 360 degree panoramic short film from this high point.

The weather was quite warm (hot actually - 101 degrees one day). Very sandy and dusty, yet not humid at all. **Only 50 degrees and raining when I returned home!

I am still coordinating (drafting) a blog of sequential events, but don't want to bore everyone.

Major cleaning today (wash the curtains and get down and clean the crevices type) and I am plain old exhausted. Hopefully, I will be able to post more pics and accounts of my trip tomorrow.

I've been catching up on everyone's blogs - so now I have to get back in sync again.

Everyone stay well and TTFN.

1 comment:

Chickie said...

Welcome back!