I had a super time in Boston with "the family!" More wonderful people you would never meet. I think the highlight was that the girls planned a special "dinner show" for our birthdays. The show is called
Postcards from Heaven, and the woman tags herself as the "Comedian Medium!"
Maureen Hancock is her name and her site gives some insight as to her abilities and talents. I have never been to a psychic/medium before and was really intrigued. There were approximately 25 tables with 6-8 people per table, and she goes from one table to another, wherever the "voices" take her. At one point she came to our table and the girls I visit and their mother were being "reached" by their late husband/father. Now, I have to tell you, this lady was spot on in what she was telling them, and had no prior information whatsoever to gain this knowledge. I was crying like a fool as were my friends. It was a unique yet wonderful experience. I was not a chosen one, so apparently all my relatives are very quiet or just don't give a shite. I think it would have been neat to talk to my twin sister...so glad my husband didn't come through - I would have had to fight with him I'm sure. I really hope when I return to Boston to have the opportunity to see her again - so very impressive.

Now check this little guy out...this past Sunday was snowy and cold, so we stayed in all day (never got out of our jammies) and on one of my smoke breaks, I caught this bushy rodent playing near the house. Actually there were many of the little critter - and I truly think they are adorable, but I always consider that they are "RODENTS" also!

The little buggers were scurrying on the fence and up and down the trees all day - they should have been exhausted!!
Sunday was a big day for all the New England Patriot fans, as they had a big send off from Gillete Stadium for the team. It was snowing like crazy, and 15,000 people braved the weather to see the Patriots off. UGH!!! I got some good pics of the stadium the next day as Jo and I went shopping....

Enough garbage for now...this was just an update. Now on to check on everyone's blogs.
Stay healthy and TTFN!!
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