OK - the doctor gave me a miracle drug, it is drying up my head and relieving the damn pressure. thank god for miracles. i still can't smell or taste, but hopefully that won't take long. the SUPER BOWL is today and i am so excited. i KNOW the steelers are going to get this one!! (much to the chagrin of my Browns friends!)
i am going to a super bowl party at a friends (have been going there for the past 4 years) and of course we are all big steelers fans, so being able to finally cheer on OUR team - is SUPER WONDERFUL.
the fun part is when i get excited i start a coughing jag that won't stop. could be interesting.
tax season has begun and being sick has really put me behind. had to lug 4 file bins up from basement (been asking the daughter for a couple of weeks), and that about killed me. the computer program was released late this year, so finally got it installed yesterday. now to tackle the 25 returns backed up on me. OH THE PRESSURE!!! i always manage to get it done though.
enough babble, i'm off to the PARTY. gonna text slyght during the game to make sure he is catching it all. more later.
Open Thread March 5 2025
19 hours ago
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