As most of our friends know, theson, took on the persona of "Bathrobe Boy" while in his senior year of high school. No matter where he went, he wore a bathrobe (over his clothes) at all times. I think he may have had at least three different robes at the time. He even ran for County Coroner (unofficially) in his senior year, and had banners of sorts all over the robe. One flannel robe, as it got shredded by tripping on it, or shut in car doors, was repaired with DUCT TAPE. I think he even has pieces of that robe stashed somewhere, where I can't find it and throw it away.
But anyway, I present the NEW Bathrobe Boy. I figured it would be easier to start him at a younger age, so he can one-up his Uncle. Mom2 will be tickled pink, I just know it!!
When theson attended Case Western Reserve in Cleveland, even the UPS truck drivers honked and called him Bathrobe Boy. theson has his own distinct personality. That's what I love about him. He should be delighted to see his nephew now following his footsteps.
thegrandson has more clothes than anyone I know, and I tell myself that when I am shopping I WILL NOT buy him anything else. But...I happened to be at WalMart and lo and behold - here was this bathrobe...on sale...correct size...MINE!!!!! Oh well, I will remind myself next time NOT to buy him anything!! Right?!?!?!
Thegrandson has been home sick since Friday, damn chest cold won't go away, and the little snot is only 36 pounds. He is getting taller, but does not gain weight. Doesn't eat enough to keep a bird alive, as the old folk would say! Wohoo, he finally made it into the 3 percentile on the growth chart - far cry from the 100%. I only hope that when he has his growth spurt it will be quick.
I was going to comment on the Anna Nicole fiasco again, but I would rather slash my wrists. How ludicrous and pathetic the circus is!!!
Back to work now - everyone stay well and healthy! TTFN.
just checking
this is my third try
trying again.....your blogs are great and i agree totally about the idiot family of annas'...what a bunch of whackos...howard is no more than a pimp and what can i say about vergie [nothing good]and humperdink[the other father]is a pitiful man...keep up the good blogs...thanks for the pattern..i knew you could find it...jean[mom2]
that is a great picture. i might have to take him out in it when i get home. later
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