OK - finally got up the nerve to take DOWN all the Christmas decorations and the tree. Since I am always the first one up in the morning (usually between 5 and 6 am.), I managed to "un-decorate" the tree, gather ALL my Santas, and miscellaneous stuff - and put in one area, so boxing them wouldn't be a problem. As soon as theson came downstairs, We jumped in and got things stowed in the basement (what a mess!). Every time he asked if "that was it", I always replied "yes" and immediately let out an expletive as I discovered something else that had to be stored. Try as hard as I might, I can never get it all together. There is usually at least ONE Christmas item that I forget, and I just integrate into my country motif - till next year. No one ever notices.
Theson is leaving tomorrow to spend a week with Jules, since she is having eye surgery and wants him to "take care of her." Could be interesting. I have to give him some easy recipes so he can nourish the cripple during the recuperative process.
It has been great having theson home, albeit off and on. He is great at helping me do some things I find "hard." Getting older is a real pain in the a**!! We got his room all cleaned and organized (hopefully he will keep it that way. Thedaughter is still cleaning her room at this very moment - and I am sure will be dog-tired when done. At least I now have the miscellaneous spoons and forks back in the drawer and the 15 drinking glasses that have been unaccounted for - for weeks. UGH!!! It is a well known fact, and she will even admit, that cleaning is not her forte. But when she jumps in and completes the task it is a good one.
thegrandson just got home and the first thing he said was "where did we get that couch?" Now, I don't think he is suffering from amnesia or anything serious, but that couch has been there for almost 2 years now! DUH!! Brain damage. Those Nerf bullets to the head may have been harder than we thought.
Oh well, this was just a quick update, will be back soon. Everyone stay well and TTFN.
Open Thread March 5 2025
18 hours ago
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