Yesterday, we caught a show showing what was hot on the "meme" circuit, and it was THIS video. I laughed my ass off, which brings on the proverbial coughing jag and sometimes the need to change the underwear..........I'm just saying!!
I do believe this "epic bearded man" may have some psychiatric issues himself, but the black man - was just begging for an ass whipping - even though he stated multiple times he was going to put his "foot up your ass" to the elderly gent. Hmmmm....who's crying for mama now - and all he wants is the AMBER LAMPS!!! Cracked me up...........and more power to those who stand up to idiots like this.
Of course, the topper was this commercial. Theson and I must have laughed for a good while, and immediately he found this on the interwebs for me. Reminds me - I must check the apps on my phone.

Have a great day all...........and the northeastern states are now bracing for a nor'easter......hang in there friends.
That bearded man started it! Asking the black guy if he'd spit shine his shoes?? What did he think would happen? They both lost control, but the bearded guy should have kept his mouth shut.
That commercial is hysterical
That was some video! Then the guy is saying he wants an ambulance. I think basically he got a bloody nose...
Great Butterfinger vid too.
We don't know for sure how this started, but the old guy moved away. The other guy didn't have to follow. Just goes to show, DON'T MESS WITH OLD PEOPLE, THEY CAN GET NASTY IN A HURRY!!
Hi Mom
I'm rushing through to let you know that I have moved Politics Plus to
I have you in the blogroll there. Would you update me in yours?
Thanks Mom! Hope you feel better.
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