I have to get a couple of things off my chest, as the burden of not venting MY OPINION is becoming too great.
Tiger Woods....OK - he fucked up royally. One thing I cannot stand is a "cheater", since I was married to one for most of my wedded life. But, the problem is his, not ours. Now, everyone is picking apart his televised apology from yesterday. I say, "get over yourselves" and let the man deal with his ginormous mess. Will his marriage survive? That question is between his wife Elin and himself. The end result may not be what we would choose - but his life is not ours. As the role model the media allowed him to be...he did owe an apology, I truly believe. But all this media frenzy will still be available for his children to see as the years progress.
Gloria Allred (the Hollywood attorney), has always been right up front, fighting for the rights of the downtrodden women. I do believe she has crossed a line, now sitting beside one of Woods' concubine (a porn star), saying his apology "isn't enough." WTF does she want...she's a porn star for chrissakes. I fail to see the difference between exhibiting every little inch of your body for millions to view, and having a shack-session with a mega star. This porn star is no more broken-hearted than the man in the moon - so scurry away little glory hound - your 7 and a half minutes of fame are up. Grrrrr...........what losers - and now they just want to try and cash in on Tiger's billions. Sorry girls, I would imagine Elin will benefit better than you.

Now comes the Iquitarod Queen (I borrowed this title from a Huffpost commenter) to squawk her outrage on Faux news - in defense of HER SON TRIG!!! Andrea finally came out with her own reaction to Palin - stating that she essentially had a hard time with a mom who would carry her "special needs" son around like a sack of potatoes - all for her own glory and promotion. (I paraphrased here.) Andrea, is 39 and in my opinion very intelligent, which has shown through in her televised appearances. She also refers to Family Guy as "sarcasm."
I agree with the sarcasm, but where IQ has stated before that Rush has been held to a different standard (using the "retard" word over 40 times in his raging "satire"), but apparently all that ice snow and lack of daylight in Alaska, has done permanent damage to the brain of Palin - since she totally misses the fact that FAMILY GUY IS SATIRE - Rush Limbaugh is just an asshole with a mouth!! OMG - the pain in my head just increases with the insanity.
....Yevgeny Plushenko (Russian 2006 Gold medalist in ice skating), please just go away and go home to your lover Vladimer Putin. Apparently, you fail to see how nasty your landings were on the ice - even though you did do a QUAD (worth 9.8 points) - open your eyes and catch how many triple-toes Lycacek did in the last half of his program........DUDE - EACH ONE IS WORTH 9.5 POINTS - do the math!! Go back to Siberia and chill. You honestly piss me off.
Back to more tax returns and the Olympics for the day. Have a great one all - and on to the CATURDAY pics. Enjoy.

Theson has been dealing with adjusting his insulin and new diet - so hopefully he will return soon with PAST THE VELVET ROPE. Dealing with a new disease can be quite overwhelming - but he is doing great.

Did you see the Borowitz Report on the subject of Tiger? If you want a good laugh, go check it out.
5 thumbs up to each statement! You rock mom!
Tiger who?
Ice skaters what?
Clearly, I'm not keeping up with the outside world.
I'm glad that Theson is adjusting. What a kick in the head that disease can be. I'm sending all of you some good thoughts.
And thanks for all those LOL Cats at the end. I nearly peed myself.
Lovin' the cat photos! That last one cracked me up.
Andrea Fay Friedman does look like a lovely young lady.
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