This past weekend was the weekend from hell. I was looking forward to having a quiet weekend and watching the Super Bowl - but we had other issues to deal with.
Theson had been feeling quite tired and exceedingly thirsty for days, so I made him an appointment with our family doctor (I suspected diabetes), and he voluntarily fasted, in case labs would be prescribed. Good call there.
We hurried home from the hospital, stopping at the grocery store for last minute items, since we were expecting a huge snowstorm. By the time we got in the house, there was a message on the answering machine from the doc...his sugar levels were dangerously high and he recommended that he get back to the ER as soon as possible. Theson was considered "totally dry" and needed to be re-hydrated - at least four liters of fluids.
Since the snow was already falling and it was possible that he would be admitted, he drove himself over to the hospital. He called me as soon as he got there, and the waiting began. After three hours, he called and said they were probably admitting him - ON AN INSULIN DRIP. Now I become the worried mother, which I do so very well.
It never fails, you never want something so bad, as when you can't have other words, the snow was accumulating rapidly, and I knew I couldn't drive to the hospital to see my son - and the anguish sets in as well. He was being admitted to ICU - as that is the protocol for one on such an IV infusion. (His other option was pediatrics - he balked). Patients do not have phone's in ICU, but he was allowed to use his cell, since he truly wasn't incapacitated...but as luck would have it, he didn't have a phone charger with him and the phone died by late evening.
To make a long story short, he is now home, my neighbor did take me over Sunday to see him (relief), and now he is on an insulin regimen at home. This is all new to us, but he is doing real well.
I got to watch the Super Bowl with thegrandson (thedaughter was at work), and I was texting three different people during the entire game - just shoot me now. I was quite happy with the Saints win - and that BALLSY ONSIDE KICK!!
But the apex of the weekend had to be listening to the bits and pieces of Palin's Teaparty speech (couldn't pay me enough for a speech by her in its entirety)!! I must love pain to even consider turning the channel.
I can assure everyone, her intelligence quotient has not risen any since I last posted about her. Hell, she has even re-invented her own palm-prompter! As for the "hopey - changey thing" she referenced....I still have hope and change is downright necessary.
As for her getting irate over the "retard" comments...I say GET A FUCKING GRIP!!! She should actually open the dictionary and read the definition of the word. It means "slow" and that is not derogatory, just factual. Sarah Palin, from the bottom of my heart...YOU ARE retarded. Without your palm prompter and speech writers (bad ones at that), your word salads should be coherant - hasn't happened yet! Colbert handles all this quite well here:
We are now getting another snow storm, and theson has gone in town to get a glucometer - since the pharmacy had NONE yesterday. I only hope he can get his truck home.