I should hope that this mouthpiece is getting paid the "big bucks" to sound like a complete moron here. Let us review the issue at hand...these four young punks, James O'Keefe, Robert Flanagan, Joseph Basel and Stan Dai (all 24 years of age) - were caught RED-HANDED, wearing makeshift telephone worker uniforms, going so far as to include the hard hat and fluorescent vests...trying to do "something" to Sen. Mary Landrieu's phones in the FEDERAL building in her home state. Hello young morons....can you say FEDERAL OFFENSE????

It is still questionable as to whether O'Keefe is an employee of Andrew Breitbart (biggovernment(dot)com) or an independent contractor of sorts. Breitbart still runs his conservative websites from his basement, but has certainly made a name for himself - by his relations with all the Faux people, Dennis Miller, Matt Drudge, etc... Now Breitbart is saying that he is paying O'Keefe for his "life issues" or some such drivel.
The attorney's statement is what I found so ridiculous. Must be from Attorney Speak for Client Class 101..."remember to turn the tables and sound stupid." MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! I also find fault in the staff of this Federal building, that credentials were not requested immediately from these cretins.
Everyone has heard by now (I'm sure) that Robert Flanagan is the son of the acting U.S. Attorney for Louisiana, Bill Flanagan. Flanagan was the first assistant under Dubya's appointee Donald Washington. (**Obama has already appointed a nominee for this position.)
I was going to post the youtube video of the "pimp" at ACORN, but the site is not loading for me at the moment. Seeing O'Keefe, as he leaves court I believe, state "the truth shall set me free" - makes me wonder......would that be the fair and balanced truth of his favorite news idols????? Right...........
..........and the "spin stops here!"
I am looking forward to the SOTU speech tonight...and would like to think that this could be a turning point for Obama, and he gets a backbone and stands up to the rethugs. I, like many have been disappointed in his spinelessness (is that a word?) these past many months. Don't get me wrong...I do realize that this country, economically was in a free fall when he was inaugurated. The loss of jobs was inevitable whether some will admit that or not. Can anyone imagine where we would be, if BUSH was still in office? Or how he would handle the catastrophe at hand? That gives way to some scary scenarios.
I will be quite interested in how this case fares in the courts. I believe convictions are in order and a little jail time for these morons - how about you?
Well, have to get ready for my cardiac rehab. Have a great day and I shall return....later......................

Ummmm.... heck if I go to the airport with a tube of toothpaste they don't approve of I can be put on a terrorist watch list for life, but this little jackass can go into a Federal building and pretend to work for the phone company and demand access to the Senators phone lines and it's just a "Kids will be kids" story. Isn't it nice to be a kid of someone in power where you can spin the whole event to sound like nothing. It's not a crime if a Republican does it because they are fighting the Evil Immoral Democrats!!! Arrrrrggg.... OK.... must rest now...
I'm not expecting anything good to come from the speech tonight. He's capitulated and he'll now act like a full fledged Repiglican.
This is like a Watergate redo for mental midgets. These 'boys' need to do the time for the crime.
I, too, am getting a more than a little tired of Barry's spinelessness....and if that wasn't a word before, it is now.
My BP is through the roof on this one
It's time for Obama to stop trying to play nice when the other side has made it clear they don't want to play with him at all!!
As for the young punks, send them up the river to do hard time. Maybe if they start with these meaningless know-nothing shits, they can work their way up to the assholes that screwed the country like aWol and Cheney!!!
That's a good point about where we'd be if Bush were to still be in office. Makes me shudder in horror just thinking about THAT!
The father of one of the criminals may think there was no intent but since there is much we don't know about the break-in by the 4 cowardly conservative criminals, the only way to determine the truth is to water board them.
Because Water boarding is akin to the prank they pulled it should be used to figure out what's going on.
This case (since it has the potential to involve espionage charges) may also warrant Enhanced Interrogation Techniques.
If O'Keefe, Dai, Basel, and Flanagan have nothing to hide then they have nothing to fear from the interrogators.
Let them under go the Trial by Torture.
24 year old Robert Flanagan, son of the acting US Attorney for Western LA, William Flanagan (Senator Vitter Held Up Acting U.S. Attorney Flanagan’s Replacement) will more than likely get a plea deal and turn on The other three, too bad.
This is not some petty crime - these guys were caught red handed if you will. I hope they all get some nice rest at a federal pen.
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