His white/blonde hair now black, new elongated teeth, dripping blood and fancy cape turns the little guy into.....a VAMPIRE!!! His mother (thedaughter) got in on the act also, they were quite a pair.
This year seemed like more of an event, in finding the right makeup, clothing and other necessary trinkets to scare the neighbors. We started the makeup session at 5 pm, yet the actual "trick or treat" times of going door to door, did not begin until 6:30 pm. And trust me...it took every minute to get both these guys decked out.
The trick or treaters began right at 6:30 pm, yet we did not have as many kids as we have in the past. That could be because the time was dropped to one hour instead of the usual 1.5 - 2 hours of the past. And again, very few kids live in our neighborhood and the majority of treaters were from neighboring towns.

Sans makeup, thegrandson was very proud of his jack-o-lantern also this year. This was the second that was carved as the first one was carved so very early - it succumbed to the elements.
This was just a quickie blog for the moment of the "season!" Thegrandson got to show his costume to theson via webcam, and theson was so very frightened (right?!?!?). And that is what it is all about!!!
Take care and TTFN....oh and BOOOOOOOOO!
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